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40 years of wedded bliss has taught me that unless I'm getting something over there, that I can't get over here, it's best not to wander.
I think it's more of a self-fulfilling situation here. The more that members post technical and other firearm related threads/responses, the more they get shown on web searches, which people click on. There's a lot of "word of mouth" for local members, but also quite a number of members and visitors who are not from the NW.
There's also the selfies that @sobo posts, which have a worldwide following. If he doesn't get dumped soon, this place is toast.
How do we compare site traffic?

A quick glance and the first thread that stood out to me was someone fed up with the liberal politics and left AZ for Florida. Had to double check the web address to make certain I wasn't back on NWFA.
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Fairly accurate statement from the fella. I would wonder what city he was in. I also feel very bad for the average person trying to buy a house in az. Prices are astronomical to say the least.
There is a gun website for Washingtonians, WAGuns.Org. I'm in Wash, but I hang around here. I don't like WAGuns.Org, the site is nicely organized but participation is minimal.

How is one site better than another? It can only come down to the quality of activity.
I had a similar thought when I moved from the valley to Central Oregon. Thinking this area had more hunters, shooters, and gun guys, I was surprised to see the lack of participation on forum. I've talked to a lot of shooters out here and most haven't even heard of this place.
I had a similar thought when I moved from the valley to Central Oregon. Thinking this area had more hunters, shooters, and gun guys, I was surprised to see the lack of participation on forum. I've talked to a lot of shooters out here and most haven't even heard of this place.
That's because they are all outside doing stuff

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