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where are all the kac guys in wa state? I never come across anyone heavy into kac here or old time Kac collectors….. plenty of everything else but never see any heavy kac guys
There might be a few collectors around, but might be tough getting KAC parts now for those who collect such things, as so much has been banned here in WA. KAC stuff is expensive, so the pool of such collectors might be small.
Ya not a lot of people I've found…. I know people into all sorts of stuff but very few into knights
I am old and, as you can see above, I have to settle for what I can get in the present, and at a price I can afford.
I do own some of their products. Mostly RIS/RAS and other small parts.
I have some sights and muzzle devices. Never got into their rifles due to proprietary parts, even though they are super duper.

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