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I picked up the TS 2 and will endeavor to shoot it later this week. So far, so good. It bigger and heavier than my Shadow 2 and seems to fit my hands better but I went ahead and ordered the Lok Palm swell bogie grips. The aluminum grips are just too flashy for me. More after a range day.
I picked up the TS 2 and will endeavor to shoot it later this week. So far, so good. It bigger and heavier than my Shadow 2 and seems to fit my hands better but I went ahead and ordered the Lok Palm swell bogie grips. The aluminum grips are just too flashy for me. More after a range day.
I'd love to get my hands on that with the bogie grips. Thought about ordering a pair for my Shadow 2 but I'm not sure if I'll like em
I'd love to get my hands on that with the bogie grips. Thought about ordering a pair for my Shadow 2 but I'm not sure if I'll like em
I've got them on my Shadow 2 so next match you can check them out there and I'll bring along the TS 2 for your perusal as well.
I have probably 30-50 magazines for my Glock 17, 19, and AR pattern rifles. Right now I'm stocking up on FN 509M magazines because I planned on purchasing one soon. FN mags are expensive ($45-$50 each depending on retailer) so trying to obtain 10-15 of them is quite costly.
I have probably 30-50 magazines for my Glock 17, 19, and AR pattern rifles. Right now I'm stocking up on FN 509M magazines because I planned on purchasing one soon. FN mags are expensive ($45-$50 each depending on retailer) so trying to obtain 10-15 of them is quite costly.
Why do you want 10-15 mags for a fn509? Does it come with three?
Why do you want 10-15 mags for a fn509? Does it come with three?
I too try to have at least 10 mags for every gun I own that uses them. Mags don't live forever and as the efforts to ban standard capacity mags keeps going, they're also trying to ban parts to repair them. I don't want to find myself in a situation where I cannot enjoy standard capacity magazines.
My rule of thumb is also min 10 mags per gun type. However MAN that gets expensive when you get into the world of say Staccato mags, or HK rifle mags. Of course that doesnt even get close to prices on say collectible rare mags from AKs etc- I think I have spent $300 on one rare drum mag for AK. Sigh . . .
I have probably 30-50 magazines for my Glock 17, 19, and AR pattern rifles. Right now I'm stocking up on FN 509M magazines because I planned on purchasing one soon. FN mags are expensive ($45-$50 each depending on retailer) so trying to obtain 10-15 of them is quite costly.
Same with Sig mags. Ouch.
I'm not sure this falls under the guidance of 114 but I have to have a Marlin SBL 336 in 30-30.
If I can't get that, I'll probably end up 1737156624056.png with the Rossi R95 Triple black in 30-30.

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OK, heres a hell of a gun to 'get in under the wire'! ;-) Delayed 4 days somewhere in the snow of Kentucky, finally made its way here . . .

Picked up the new HK MR556A4, in the 11" pistol variant- the one that was just released finally to market. Basically the closest civilians in the US can get to the legendary HK 416, the gun that killed Bin Laden. . .

Now to take my already completely drained bank account, and buy some equally crazy expensive accessories, to deck it out! So glad though to get this one before any 114 problems crop up- i would have been SO pissed if after all these years HK finally released a pretty solid 416 copy, only to not be able to buy it. . .

#DreamGun #416

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