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Interesting question..... I recently purchased a Rossi Tuffy .410/45c, sub $200 gun. Honestly, it is a pretty fun rifle, sans being single shot.... So, I guess depending on the situation, I probably wouldnt choose this one.

This is an interesting question to ponder though.... One could say a Walther P22, inexpensive and, honestly, .22 can be great weapons. On the other hand, some might say a high end 9mm/.40/.45 or some other more expensive, powerful firearm.... I guess the real answer might not be so much cheapest, but rather what are you comfortable with??

This really is an interesting thought.
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Wilson Combat CQB 45
Cause cheap isn't cool and cool isn't cheap...

View attachment 2019504
Just as good
My SCCY CPX1 was $169 from BiMart and holds 10 rounds. The trigger pull is long and hard (OK to put on Members Quotes) so I bought two new triggers and short stroke kit I haven't installed them yet, but should help.

Without modification, it has been flawless and accurate enough for a throw away.

Better than losing my Walther PPKs.
What's the cheapest gun you'd stake your life on?

I would count my EAA Windicator .357 Magnum as a viable option. :s0155:

Edited to correct my dumb spelling! 🤣
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The cheapest gun I'm willing to bet my life on is the one in my hands or on my hip at the time I need to bet my life on a gun. It's also the most expensive one.

I mean, seriously, if you happen to be caught with nosferatu's lorcin when "the time" comes, I bet you're gonna pull the trigger like it's a nighthawk.
I own a Beretta APX A1 Carry that I bought new a few years ago for $200 after rebate, never had a failure to fire with that gun. I put a red dot sight on that 9mm and carry it occasionally. I guess that is the cheapest gun that I have actually carried for self-defense and I am confident in it's reliability.
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I once actually did rely on a maybe $100 22lr used gun I bought about 30 years ago. Thankfully I did not have to pull the trigger but in 30 years its never jammed.
"Cheap" and "stake your life on" are difficult for me to put in the same sentence. 🤔

Though I do get the question.

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