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I've got guns worth everywhere from $150 up to $3500 - I would feel comfortable depending on any of them if necessary. So long as it functions reliably and you can use it competently, cost is irrelevant.
While I find the premise of the OP a little ridiculous, I'll cast another vote for our Maverick 88. I can add the Rossi 88 2" stainless in .38 spcl. I've got less than $300 into the pair.
The notion of "cheap" is so subjective, it's laughable. I have a coworker who's a class III and Luger collector. To him, a $3,500 1911 would be considered a CHEAP firearm, and he wouldn't bother to make room in 1 of his safes for it.
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In the spirit of the thread question there's nothing wrong with the Taurus GX4.
In the spirit of reality you shouldn't be staking your life on any gun or you screwed up.
In the spirit of reality you shouldn't be staking your life on any gun or you screwed up.
Maybe, maybe not. We don't always have control over what happens in life.
But if I believe I might need a gun, besides when hunting, I don't go, unless it's to retrieve family.
Maybe, maybe not. We don't always have control over what happens in life.
But if I believe I might need a gun, besides when hunting, I don't go, unless it's to retrieve family.
That's what I mean by "staking your life" on a gun... thinking it will keep you safe. Its a subtle and not very clear difference from having a gun you can rely on in case you need one.
Well now...
No firearm will keep me safe. way to keep myself safe is to own and practice with a firearm.
As well as having the willingness to use it...and the wisdom of knowing when to use it or not as the case may be.

"Remember though , your best weapon is between your ears and under your scalp - provided it's loaded."
Robert A. Heinlein

I like and trust all my guns if I didn't they've gone on down the road. That being said, over the years quite a few have gone down the road. I'm down to just a few(some would say I have more than a few)that I like. I don't have any I'd want to surrender I try to avoid those kind of places.

Edited to add, from a cost benefits standpoint I'd rather have one good gun I like over 10 POS bought just because they were cheap.
The question was "Whats the cheapest gun you'd stake your life on?" and not 'Do you like all of your guns and would you rather have one good gun you like or 10 POS.'
The question was "Whats the cheapest gun you'd stake your life on?" and not 'Do you like all of your guns and would you rather have one good gun you like or 10 POS.'

For me I also read it as cheap gun you own that you would trust your life to vs any of the cheap guns currently avaialble that you would trust your life to.
Maybe the thread title should read "inexpensive" instead of cheap?
One of my most favorite handguns cost me nothing and while most of us won't carry a 22LR handgun for defense, my Ruger Standard is very reliable and accurate. Nobody would want me shooting at them with it.

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