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I'd quit my job, move to a red state.

I'd have a new house built in authentic mid-century or Frank Lloyd Wright style, but of a modest size.
I'd buy a 1961 Galaxie Starliner and a new Nissan Z.
I'd open up an automotive restoration shop, I'd hire some good people, and we'd restore and customize all types of vehicles to the highest level, American, European and Japanese of any generation.

Then I drop dead one day.
I would buy that mansion in Gold Beach , Oregon for 7 1/2 million. 28 acres on the beach with separate large log cabin guesthouse for my daughter and grandkids. Have installed down stairs a walk in gun room . Buy some sports cars and buy electric cars, drones, electric sub that seats 6 people and goes to 1,000 feet, electric boats, electric planes. Did I say the mansion has a helicopter pad. My grandson and I woild have a blast. Check out all the new electric cars, boats, and subs that are on the market. At the edge of the property on 1 acre numerous tiny homes for the homeless plus a food bank with cafe. The homeless that lived there would help me take care of the property. I told my grandkids that when I won the lottery that we were buying that place. My granddaughter told her friends that she was moving soon. That was 4 years ago.
I would buy that mansion in Gold Beach , Oregon for 7 1/2 million. 28 acres on the beach with separate large log cabin guesthouse for my daughter and grandkids. Have installed down stairs a walk in gun room . Buy some sports cars and buy electric cars, drones, electric sub that seats 6 people and goes to 1,000 feet, electric boats, electric planes. Did I say the mansion has a helicopter pad. My grandson and I woild have a blast. Check out all the new electric cars, boats, and subs that are on the market. At the edge of the property on 1 acre numerous tiny homes for the homeless plus a food bank with cafe. The homeless that lived there would help me take care of the property. I told my grandkids that when I won the lottery that we were buying that place. My granddaughter told her friends that she was moving soon. That was 4 years ago.
And then you would realize what the payout would be after taxes, and end up with a lean-to in a neglected section of forest.
It's fun to imagine having enough money to do anything your heart desires, but, looking at how many past lottery winners went bankrupt within 5 years trying to help friends and family, buying properties, toys, etc., I wouldn't tell a bubbleguming soul that I'd won until AFTER I'd had professionals help me in setting up my finances such that even I couldn't bubblegum them up without trying really, really hard.

Even then, I probably wouldn't tell anyone.
There is a shocking number of people who when they hit a big one go bankrupt in a matter of short time. Its that so many just act like that LONG before they hit that pile of money. Just on a smaller scale. There used to be a show about pro ball players that was funny as hell to watch. It showed how so many of them make a lotto win amount of money every year, for years, and as soon as they stop playing are broke. That show was a comic view of exactly how it happens. If I hit I would not announce it to family but I also would not bother trying to hide it. Word would get out soon enough. People just have to learn how to say NO. Family members want "help"? There are ways to help and ways to just flush money down the crapper. People often just don't know how to say no to the flush it down the crapper.
1. Buy up a few acres of forest land next to a stream
2. Build an off-grid house, a few outbuildings, on-site covered range
3. Commission a set of Zero Tolerance tactical flatware for eating the livers of the poor
4. Establish my own SuperPAC and related NGOs/charities to continue printing money
5. It's raining NFA stamps, hallelujah
1. Buy up a few acres of forest land next to a stream
2. Build an off-grid house, a few outbuildings, on-site covered range
3. Commission a set of Zero Tolerance tactical flatware for eating the livers of the poor
4. Establish my own SuperPAC and related NGOs/charities to continue printing money
5. It's raining NFA stamps, hallelujah
Stamps. We don't need no stinking stamps. Incorporate an 07/02SOT , hire a full time me and roll your own.
I have a decent amount of $ in my retirement funds, and when I retired after being laid off in early 2020, I had about 25% less than I do now. I am trying to conserve those funds for the future - both to be able to make them last the rest of my lifetime, and to pass on most, preferably all, to my daughter.

So I think if I won the lottery I would do okay - although I would spend a good portion of what I retained after taxes. What I would do with it would depend a lot on how much I won, and I think I have already said what I would do if the amount were sufficient. But it does depends on the amount; e.g., $500 would not be life changing, $500K would be as it would erase my mortgage and my daughter's mortgage - allowing us both to spend more $ on discretionary items, but I would still be frugal with my retirement funds, and she would still probably keep working.

OTOH, $500M would certainly allow for more drastic changes and much larger purchases. But I would also set aside enough funds to allow for future costs (property taxes, income taxes {I would have my funds in interest bearing accounts - so I would need to pay taxes on those}, etc.). I would also set aside enough for my daughter for after I was gone.

But neither of us will survive 50 more years, so even spending $10M per year would not exhaust $500M as interest would still accrue on the principal.
If I won the lottery, I sure as bubblegum not telling anyone and peace out never to be seen again. Simple needs and simple desires would make even a modest win fine.
"only" 120M.

I'm sure with food stamps and other government assistance, most people could make that work.
Considering that out of the gate, I would spend $70M on buying that Ochocco Ranch in eastern OR, having only $50M left would require me to watch my budget after doing so. Property tax alone on the ranch would be about $500K per year, and I would make improvements, plus other expenditures (e.g., insurance). A million here, a million there and pretty soon you are talking real money.

Yes, the interest on $50M would maybe cover my spending - maybe. But I would need to be careful.
Buy land suitable for building a large home and a runway for all the planes I would buy!
Of course it would also have enough space for a gun range!

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