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I think it depends on the part of california - my wife comes from a small town northeast of Redding called Burney. Total population in the area is a couple of thousand. Always enjoyed the holidays there in the past but those family members are no longer. Even in such small towns such as Castle and Fall River they cant get rid of the beaurcaratic crap they are doing in Sacramento which is pervasive. The last time I tried to buy ammo in Burney I could not due to not having a California driver license. I will remember past times in Ca with fond memories - today I could not live there and wont.
I understand there is vacant lots down around Malibu these days.
Malibu is one place where I really dont know why anyone wants to live there, Politics aside. Its windy roads, floods, bone dry, fires, crappy beaches etc. Takes forever to drive out there. Up and down hills.
Can you imagine what a DEI hire hooker might be like?
I'd wait for California to go completely bankrupt, buy the entire state, set up a Trebuchet on a cliff in Malibu and launch Liberals into the ocean as chum for shark fishermen.
Regardless of jackpot size I'd take the cash out option vs the annuity - with inflation and devaluation of the dollar you'd be losing money over the 30 year payout. Beyond that would depend on the size of the jackpot after taxes:

< $2 million = pay off debt, donate some to charities and 2A advocate groups, bank/invest the rest.

$2 million - $20 million = create a trust, pay off debt for self and select family / friends, donate some to charities and 2A advocate groups, use between 5-10% to start and fund a 2A education program, set aside 20% for business ventures, buy property, bank/invest the rest.

> $20 million = same as 2-20 million, but with much larger % for 2A education program and business ventures. Would also probably look at privately funding advertising and marketing within blue states to counter the anti-gun brainwashing.
I didn't read the entire thread so someone may have already shared this joke:

HUSBAND to WIFE: "What would you do if I won the lottery?"
WIFE: "I would take half and leave you."
HUSBAND: "I bought a lottery ticket today and won $20, here's your 10...BYE!
Regardless of jackpot size I'd take the cash out option vs the annuity - with inflation and devaluation of the dollar you'd be losing money over the 30 year payout. Beyond that would depend on the size of the jackpot after taxes:

< $2 million = pay off debt, donate some to charities and 2A advocate groups, bank/invest the rest.

$2 million - $20 million = create a trust, pay off debt for self and select family / friends, donate some to charities and 2A advocate groups, use between 5-10% to start and fund a 2A education program, set aside 20% for business ventures, buy property, bank/invest the rest.

> $20 million = same as 2-20 million, but with much larger % for 2A education program and business ventures. Would also probably look at privately funding advertising and marketing within blue states to counter the anti-gun brainwashing.
You don't have to win the lottery to create a trust. If you have heirs it's a good idea to

1. Have a medical directive
2. Have a will
3. Have a trust
A non- revocable trust would make sure your wills directives would be followed.
True! Mom and Dad set one up. Their church was listed as a recipient. After Dad died that church basically turned it's back on Mom. My sisters and I talked to the lawyer that set up the estate because we didn't' think they deserved the $25k. We asked about donating that money to another charity they had listed, but it was a no go. A Non-revocable trust is etched in stone.
1- I buy a ranch here in Texas. Land enough to do some distance shooting.
2- Hire a ranch manager and pay him well.
3- Have a competent lawyer and an accountant on retainer
4- Invest a bunch
5- Upgrade daughter's house
6- Help sister out
7- Help others

Not all in that order
True! Mom and Dad set one up. Their church was listed as a recipient. After Dad died that church basically turned it's back on Mom. My sisters and I talked to the lawyer that set up the estate because we didn't' think they deserved the $25k. We asked about donating that money to another charity they had listed, but it was a no go. A Non-revocable trust is etched in stone.
When donations of money, real estate, commodities, or stocks the assets are immediately converted to cash. So what might have been important to a deceased person is not to a church or non-profit. Its just easier to for them to manage in that form.
HUSBAND to WIFE: "What would you do if I won the lottery?"
WIFE: "I would take half and leave you."
HUSBAND: "I bought a lottery ticket today and won $20, here's your 10...BYE!

Husband: Honey! I just won the lottery! Grab your suitcase!

Wife: How exciting! Am I packing for a warm climate or a cold one?

Husband: I don't care, I just want you out of here by noon.
It's fun to imagine having enough money to do anything your heart desires, but, looking at how many past lottery winners went bankrupt within 5 years trying to help friends and family, buying properties, toys, etc., I wouldn't tell a bubbleguming soul that I'd won until AFTER I'd had professionals help me in setting up my finances such that even I couldn't bubblegum them up without trying really, really hard.

Even then, I probably wouldn't tell anyone.

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