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"Readers Added context"

Confirms everything you suspected about our inept government, doesn't it? One problem: It's not true.

Yes, the IRS did seize the Mustang Ranch in 1990, as part of a dispute over an estimated $13 million in back taxes. But the government never tried to run the brothel. It sold the 420-acre property that same year for $1.5 million.

Would you go to a government run whore house? Neither would anyone else
That could have been the problem but I highly doubt it. When that happened I doubt there was a sign out front saying that one was run by the IRS. I would suspect the problem was it was "managed" like almost everything they do. With no regard to doing thing well. For every sex worker in the place they probably had at least 10 "managers" getting paid to shuffle paper.
"Readers Added context"

Confirms everything you suspected about our inept government, doesn't it? One problem: It's not true.

Yes, the IRS did seize the Mustang Ranch in 1990, as part of a dispute over an estimated $13 million in back taxes. But the government never tried to run the brothel. It sold the 420-acre property that same year for $1.5 million.

Have you ever seen the movie The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance? "When the legend becomes fact, print the legend."
Have you ever seen the movie The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance? "When the legend becomes fact, print the legend."
When young I knew a gal who's grandfather was a known "gun fighter". His life in real life was not like the legend. He also lived to a very old age. He faked his own death and to this day the information about him still persists as it sounds far better.
Having fun here. What would you do if you won the lottery ? One of the big ones $1 Billion ish. Maybe $300Mil after taxes, etc.

Me? I'd have a few properties spread around . Some in gun friendly states. Probably one on the gulf coast, a nice place on Hilton Head, I can't say for certain I wouldnt throw a big chunk of it down on the mansion from the Beverly Hillbillies. It would suit my character. A few guns, piles of gold stuff like that. Trust funds for various family members.
The first thing I would do is leave Oregon.
Or leave Washington.

First thing I'd do is buy a house where it's warm year-round.
Then I'd bulldoze my house and make the lot a playground for the neighbor kids so they wouldn't have to play in the street.
I hear kommiefornia is nice in the winter. :s0140:

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