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My one only attempt at rolling my own.
No more casting for me.
Finally getting around to loading them from 14 years ago.

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I decided to put aside the sorting for now and work on replacing what I sold out of at the last show as well as other show stock. For some reason I was asked quite often for 44-40 so bullets and brass for that is on order. One thing I noticed at Albany was there sure seemed to be a lot of lever guns walking about. More lever guns than black rifles. Made me wonder if they are the next "new" thing? Anyway 357 Magnum is what I'm making now. I'll be on them for a couple more days then a run of 38 Special.
I am on the board for 2025!!! It was so cold this morning, what else was a guy to do?

Okay, so it was only 50 rounds of .44 Special to replace some of the rounds my wife and I shot on Monday. It was the first batch of ammo that I've reloaded with the assistance of the Frankford Arsenal Intellidropper I got from a member of this forum. While I doubt it provided massive time savings since I'm still using my old Hollywood Gun Shop single stage press, it sped things up a bit and made life easier.

I am on the board for 2025!!! It was so cold this morning, what else was a guy to do?

Okay, so it was only 50 rounds of .44 Special to replace some of the rounds my wife and I shot on Monday. It was the first batch of ammo that I've reloaded with the assistance of the Frankford Arsenal Intellidropper I got from a member of this forum. While I doubt it provided massive time savings since I'm still using my old Hollywood Gun Shop single stage press, it sped things up a bit and made life easier.

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I look at enjoyment more than speed. The faster I go the less hours of enjoyment.
I have time to make more ammo than I can shoot so I like to savor my reloading time.
We will get bored with .223.
I have a bunch or 2 to do.
Wish I had gotten an RT1200 years ago.
My enjoyment level for case prep has jumped off the charts.
The RL1100 doesn't hurt either.

I didn't get any ammo done this week, but I reloaded a blower motor in my mother-in-law's Nissan Versa today. I'm too fat and have no business cramping up in those little spaces, but it's done and she can stay warm and defrosted in the mornings.

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