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Deadlift day: going to start with 295lbs on the bar and hopefully I will end with 300lbs on the bar. My back is telling me "no don't do it". My mind is telling me "just do it, you damn sissy".
Just be careful and ensure you're using strict form. I jacked my back up for a week doing deadlifts around 5 years ago.

You use a belt, right?
Got through first three sets with 290lbs and same direction grip. Started to feel fatigue in grip on last set, so I switched to alternate hand grip direction for last two sets and I bumped up the weight to 295lbs. I completed all 5 reps in all 5 sets. No bonus set today.

After deadifts I had to run home and grab a delivered package and then I came back to gym and did 3x8+ of the following.

Prone leg curls
Seated leg curls
Ham/glute kickback machine.
I started with 295lbs, on deadlift today, for the first three sets. For sets 4 & 5, I did 300lbs. I used gloves today, which didn't do much for grip strength. It was easier on my palm pads, just below the finger connection. I bumped the weight up to 310lbs and did a bonus 6th set. 5th rep was sloppy. I went with alternate direction hand grip for sets 3 through 6.

After deadlifts, I did 3x8+ of the following.

Prone leg curls
Seated leg curls
Glute hamstring kickback machine.
Did 107lbs on first three sets. Added 1.5lb ankle weight for last two sets plus a bonus set.

After ez curls I did 3x8+ of the following.

Dumbbell tricep extensions
Dumbbell standing hammer curls
Behind the neck tricep extensions with two hand grip on single Dumbbell.
Preacher curls
Assisted narrow grip dips
It's arm day again. I am going to start ez curl bar workout with 108.5lbs for first three sets. I will bump up weight to 110lbs for remaining sets.
It's arm day again. I am going to start ez curl bar workout with 108.5lbs for first three sets. I will bump up weight to 110lbs for remaining sets.
I did ez curls with 108.5lbs for sets 1, 2 and 3. Bumped up the weight to 110 for sets 4 and 5. I did a bonus 6th and 7th set at 117lbs. Only got in 3 reps on 6th set and 2 reps on 7th set.


After ez curl bar routine I did 3x8+ of the following.

Dumbbell tricep extensions
Dumbbell hammer curls Seated
Assisted narrow grip dips
Assisted narrow grip pull ups
I did ez curls with 108.5lbs for sets 1, 2 and 3. Bumped up the weight to 110 for sets 4 and 5. I did a bonus 6th and 7th set at 117lbs. Only got in 3 reps on 6th set and 2 reps on 7th set.

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After ez curl bar routine I did 3x8+ of the following.

Dumbbell tricep extensions
Dumbbell hammer curls Seated
Assisted narrow grip dips
Assisted narrow grip pull ups
Awesome! I'd throw the pullups in on back day; it's the OG back exercise.
Today is squat day. I am making big changes to my strength training routine. I am giving up on hypertrophy training and focusing all my efforts on the 1000lb combined 1RM goal with Squat, Bench Press and Deadlift. The reason for the change, is because I going to start dieting again. My best chances of reaching the 1000lb goal in a calorie deficit is to focus on those three lifts exclusively.

The new routine will keep the same gym schedule but arm day is out. I will keep doing the 5x5 routine and adding weight each week. In addition I will add extra short sets with even greater weight added for the short sets. I will aim for 30+ total reps in each gym session.

As for diet I am going to attempt low carb on off days and carb up on meals leading up to gym workout.
Today is squat day. I am making big changes to my strength training routine. I am giving up on hypertrophy training and focusing all my efforts on the 1000lb combined 1RM goal with Squat, Bench Press and Deadlift. The reason for the change, is because I going to start dieting again. My best chances of reaching the 1000lb goal in a calorie deficit is to focus on those three lifts exclusively.

The new routine will keep the same gym schedule but arm day is out. I will keep doing the 5x5 routine and adding weight each week. In addition I will add extra short sets with even greater weight added for the short sets. I will aim for 30+ total reps in each gym session.

As for diet I am going to attempt low carb on off days and carb up on meals leading up to gym workout.
Started off with 215lbs on squat today. Did the 215lbs for sets 1, 2 and 3. I bumped the weight up to 220lbs for sets 4 and 5. Only got four reps in on 4th set and four reps in on 5th set. I did a 6th set to make up the two missed reps. Then I bumped weight up to 225lbs and did 3 double rep sets. Total reps was 31
Today is squat day. I am making big changes to my strength training routine. I am giving up on hypertrophy training and focusing all my efforts on the 1000lb combined 1RM goal with Squat, Bench Press and Deadlift. The reason for the change, is because I going to start dieting again. My best chances of reaching the 1000lb goal in a calorie deficit is to focus on those three lifts exclusively.

The new routine will keep the same gym schedule but arm day is out. I will keep doing the 5x5 routine and adding weight each week. In addition I will add extra short sets with even greater weight added for the short sets. I will aim for 30+ total reps in each gym session.

As for diet I am going to attempt low carb on off days and carb up on meals leading up to gym workout.
So your routine only consists of the core three exercises?

Edit: I am hoping this allows a quicker recovery time for core exercises. I am tired of being sore everyday. I am not seeing a benefit from the accessory exercises.
The accessory lifts I have been doing were intended to produce hypertrophy. That has not been occurring, to any visible degree. My knees are a wreck, tendinitis in arms, especially left arm is acting up and I have not observed any daily benefits to increased strength. My body has limited capacity to repair itself. For now, I would like my body to focus on repairing the muscles necessary to do the three big lifts.

After I hit my 1000lb goal, I may go back to doing the accessory lifts again. My weight (mostly fat) has increased considerably over recent months. Too many calories. I need to improve sleep hygiene, get in a calorie deficit and focus on Bench Press, Deadlift and Squat lifts.
I lifted 198lbs on sets 1, 2 and 3. Only got 4 reps in on 3rd set. I left weight at 198lbs for sets 4 and 5. I only got in 4 reps in on 4th set and only 3 reps on 5th set. I bumped up weight to 200lbs and made up the 4 missed reps in two more short sets of 2 reps each. To finish the bench press workout, I bumped weight up to 205lbs and did a 7th and 8th set of two reps each.

I have definitely hit the wall with bench press. A more complicated strategy is going to be necessary to make appreciable gains from here on out.

After benching was done, I did 3x8+ of the following.

Dumbbell flys flat bench
Dumbbell chest press inclined bench
Peck deck
Bench press day.

Going to go for 200lbs to start and then move weight up after first few sets. Looking to do 30+ total reps today.
Bench press day.

Going to go for 200lbs to start and then move weight up after first few sets. Looking to do 30+ total reps today.
Did 200lbs for sets 1,2 and 3. It was a struggle to get the 5th rep in on all three sets. I had to take a 30sec rest for 5th rep in 3rd set. I bumped the weight up to 205lbs for 4th and 5th sets. Only got 3 reps in on 4th and 5th set. Made up missed reps on 6th and 7th sets.

I bumped weight up to 210lbs and knocked out a 8th set of two reps, almost failed getting the second rep up.

I bumped weight up again to 215 and did 4 singles.

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