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Deadlift day again. I am going to start at 290lbs. I will attempt to add 5lbs of last set or two.

Edit: forgot my gloves. I will use alternate hand grip if necessary.

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Got through first three sets with 290lbs and same direction grip. Started to feel fatigue in grip on last set, so I switched to alternate hand grip direction for last two sets and I bumped up the weight to 295lbs. I completed all 5 reps in all 5 sets. No bonus set today.

After deadifts I had to run home and grab a delivered package and then I came back to gym and did 3x8+ of the following.

Prone leg curls
Seated leg curls
Ham/glute kickback machine.
Got through first three sets with 290lbs and same direction grip. Started to feel fatigue in grip on last set, so I switched to alternate hand grip direction for last two sets and I bumped up the weight to 295lbs. I completed all 5 reps in all 5 sets. No bonus set today.

After deadifts I had to run home and grab a delivered package and then I came back to gym and did 3x8+ of the following.

Prone leg curls
Seated leg curls
Ham/glute kickback machine.
If you have a hack squat machine at your gym work that in. That thing kills me.
Arm day today. Starting out with 105lbs on the ez curl bar today. If all goes well with first 3 sets, I will remove ankle weights and add 5lbs of plates for 107lbs on sets 4 and 5.

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Arm day today. My tendinitis (especially in left arm) is still acting up. I think it's a forever problem. Anyhow, I am going to slow down weight additions for ez bar curls to as small of a combination as I can. Last week I ended with 107lbs (no ankle weights on bar). Today I will attempt to do the 107lbs again for first few sets. If that goes well, I will add one ankle weight (1.5lbs) to center of the bar for remaining sets.
Arm day today. My tendinitis (especially in left arm) is still acting up. I think it's a forever problem. Anyhow, I am going to slow down weight additions for ez bar curls to as small of a combination as I can. Last week I ended with 107lbs (no ankle weights on bar). Today I will attempt to do the 107lbs again for first few sets. If that goes well, I will add one ankle weight (1.5lbs) to center of the bar for remaining sets.
Did 107lbs on first three sets. Added 1.5lb ankle weight for last two sets plus a bonus set.

After ez curls I did 3x8+ of the following.

Dumbbell tricep extensions
Dumbbell standing hammer curls
Behind the neck tricep extensions with two hand grip on single Dumbbell.
Preacher curls
Assisted narrow grip dips
I set my alarm for 7 am this morning with the intention of hitting the gym early, but that didn't happen after 13 hours of sleep. I'm heading in now for shoulders and triceps.
Damn Boss you are a machine. Tendinitis is no joke. Flat bench presses and a couple others are out for me just because of that fact. Even with perfect, slow form, the bottom areas of both elbows really say FU to me. Don't do that crap again.

Cable flies from dips to straight pull from low-outward with a good 2-3 set warm up and I don't have that issue anymore.
I know benching flat is the gold standard for most but I have to listen to what this old body has to say and flat is out as are heavy squats.

Also standing or sitting hammer curls with even lighter weights a couple years ago would really aggravate the tendons and ligaments in my arms. Making a point of doing super light alternate h-curls, as in 15-20 lbs, x20-25 high reps for a couple years somehow taught my arms to be ok with them. Now I can do sitting 40-45lbs alternates with controlled form and my arms are like give me more of that, I am fine.
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Did 107lbs on first three sets. Added 1.5lb ankle weight for last two sets plus a bonus set.

After ez curls I did 3x8+ of the following.

Dumbbell tricep extensions
Dumbbell standing hammer curls
Behind the neck tricep extensions with two hand grip on single Dumbbell.
Preacher curls
Assisted narrow grip dips
Don't forget your Protein Bro.
First three sets went well at 205lbs. Bumped it up to 210lbs for sets 4, 5 and a bonus 6th set. I only got 4 reps in on the 6th set.

After that I did 3x8+ of leg extensions on machine and incline leg press machine. My knees are aching so I stopped there.
It's already quad day again. Today I am going to start out squats with 210lbs on the bar. If that goes well for the first few sets, I will bump it up another 5lbs. Left knee is a little sore. I call Arnold for advice on working out with sore knee and he said no pain no gain.
It's already quad day again. Today I am going to start out squats with 210lbs on the bar. If that goes well for the first few sets, I will bump it up another 5lbs. Left knee is a little sore. I call Arnold for advice on working out with sore knee and he said no pain no gain.
First three sets at 210lbs didn't come easy. I bumped it up to 215lbs for sets 4, 5 and bonus 6th set. Only got 3 reps in on bonus set.

After squats I did 3x8+ of the following.

Incline leg press machine
Leg extension machine
Hack squats.
First two sets went fine. Only got 4 reps in on 3rd set with 195lbs. This felt like a repeat of last week. I went ahead and added three pounds to bar. Got in 4 reps on 4th set at 198lbs. Got in three reps on 5th set and rested for 30 seconds before knocking out two more reps. I did a 6th set after short rest period (got in two reps) and 7th set after normal rest period (got in three reps), as punishment. Chest gains are going to be slow going from here on out.

After benching I did 3x8+ of the following.

Dumbbell flys
Dumbbell presses incline bench
Peck deck machine
Decline chest press machine
Chest day today. Hoping it goes better than the last couple of chest days. I am going to start at 198lbs and go from there.
Chest day today. Hoping it goes better than the last couple of chest days. I am going to start at 198lbs and go from there.
I lifted 198lbs on sets 1, 2 and 3. Only got 4 reps in on 3rd set. I left weight at 198lbs for sets 4 and 5. I only got in 4 reps in on 4th set and only 3 reps on 5th set. I bumped up weight to 200lbs and made up the 4 missed reps in two more short sets of 2 reps each. To finish the bench press workout, I bumped weight up to 205lbs and did a 7th and 8th set of two reps each.

I have definitely hit the wall with bench press. A more complicated strategy is going to be necessary to make appreciable gains from here on out.

After benching was done, I did 3x8+ of the following.

Dumbbell flys flat bench
Dumbbell chest press inclined bench
Peck deck
Got through first three sets with 290lbs and same direction grip. Started to feel fatigue in grip on last set, so I switched to alternate hand grip direction for last two sets and I bumped up the weight to 295lbs. I completed all 5 reps in all 5 sets. No bonus set today.

After deadifts I had to run home and grab a delivered package and then I came back to gym and did 3x8+ of the following.

Prone leg curls
Seated leg curls
Ham/glute kickback machine.
Deadlift day: going to start with 295lbs on the bar and hopefully I will end with 300lbs on the bar. My back is telling me "no don't do it". My mind is telling me "just do it, you damn sissy".

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