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They have the best equipment around my vicinity including plenty of free weights, sauna, steam room, whirlpools, and an indoor and outdoor pools/swim lanes. I always judge the facilities by if they have a decline barbell bench, which they do.

If i could find equal facilities at a no-nonsense gym I would switch.

Also, a lot of folks will drop that kind of cash with one trip to the bar on a Friday or Saturday night.
Just breaking balls. Investing in your health and wellness is never a bad decision.
Knocked out the 4 squat sets of 180lbs. Bumped the weight up to 185lbs and legs got wobbly on 4th rep. I racked it and waited for about 10 seconds and completed the 5th rep.

After squats I did 3x8+ of the following:

Inclined leg press
Seated leg extensions
Hack squat
Cable kicks

I was going to do seated leg presses on the way out but I was feeling light headed.
Going to aim for 185lbs with 5x5 of squats today. I struggled with the squats last week. If I do better today I may add 5lbs for the 5th set.
Going to aim for 185lbs with 5x5 of squats today. I struggled with the squats last week. If I do better today I may add 5lbs for the 5th set.
I knocked out squat sets 1 thru 3 with 185lbs. I added 5lbs for sets 4 and 5.

After squats I did 3x8+ of the following:

Incline leg press
Leg Extensions
Hack squats
I go to the gym 3 times a week, taking my health very serious, more then I ever have. Getting stronger and healthier. Lost 90 lbs since January on my own, no surgery, no meds, just hard work, determination and self control. Have 40 more to lose, to hit my goal, then just tone and maintain.

Back Day complete. I had to move it to today because I needed to finish up a project yesterday. Leg Day tomorrow.

Interestingly, the gym has been fairly empty after Thanksgiving, but...

Just hiked multnomah-wahkeena falls loop yesterday, so legs are a bit tired. Oddly enough, my core is a bit tender… did not know I use it that much to stabilize for uneven terrain. Time for an upper day today. Probably some dumbbell deltoid and tricep work.

Very lucky that I have my own garage gym. Had gym membership eons ago and those experiences still haunt me to this day.
Switching up the routine for fun. Focusing on cardio, halving the weight lifted but doubling the reps performed. I'll tell you what, the last set burns like no other and I'm more sore than ever in the morning.
This is actually part of my routine. I do agree that this seems to really shake things up. My body reacts positively to the idea that our muscles don't know how much we're lifting, and that time under tension is key. When I lift lower weights, I tend to put greater emphasis on form and eccentric times. I am typically just as sore, if not more, than lifting my typical weights.
Today I am going for 185lbs on bench press sets 1 thru 4. I will add 5lbs to 5th set.
I think I hit the wall on 5lb weekly bench gains. At 185lbs, I couldn't finish the 5th rep on the 4th set. I am going to rest an extra length of time before attempting 5th set and leave it at 185lbs. If this happens again next week, I will have to start adding smaller increments of weight each week.
I am having a bad gym day. I had to work last night scraping many old layers of cured powdercoat off a large cart and I am thinking that fatigued my muscles. Going to cut this trip short.

I did 3x5 of bench press. 2 sets of 4 reps and sixth set of 3 reps. All at 185lbs

Then I did 3x8 on Peck deck and 3x8 of inclined dumbbell presses.
I am having a bad gym day. I had to work last night scraping many old layers of cured powdercoat off a large cart and I am thinking that fatigued my muscles. Going to cut this trip short.

I did 3x5 of bench press. 2 sets of 4 reps and sixth set of 3 reps. All at 185lbs

Then I did 3x8 on Peck deck and 3x8 of inclined dumbbell presses.
A "bad" gym day is better than no gym day. Your dedication is an inspiration, keep it up!
I am having a bad gym day. I had to work last night scraping many old layers of cured powdercoat off a large cart and I am thinking that fatigued my muscles. Going to cut this trip short.

I did 3x5 of bench press. 2 sets of 4 reps and sixth set of 3 reps. All at 185lbs

Then I did 3x8 on Peck deck and 3x8 of inclined dumbbell presses.
Some gym days are like that and we all have them. Just do what you can and resolve to come back and hit it harder. 💪

I think consistency is the key. What's the old Van Halen lyrics, "Miss a beat, you lose the rhythm"?
Legs today. Not my best day in the gym but I showed up and worked. I also forgot my knee wraps. I'll hit it harder next Wednesday.

Chest and biceps tomorrow.
2 hour dog walk today, tomorrow 20 totes of ammo to load and unload then set up at the gun show. Totes weigh 80 Lbs a piece.
Some of the stuff I do in the daily activities at work are pretty physical. Yesterday i was bent over the fender of a 47 Ford torquing 24 head studs on each head, three times. Not the same as a dedicated workout, but definitely aerobic exercise.
Ham/glute day today.

Lower back is still sore from Nov 22 workout but I am going for 265lbs with first three sets of deadlifts today. I will add 5lbs for sets 4 & 5. I was successful with sets 1 through 5 and I added a 6th bonus set.

After deadlifts I did 3x8+ of the following.

Seated leg curl machine
Prone leg curl machine
Ham/Glute kickback machine
Going for 270lbs with first 3 or 4 sets of deadlifts today. I will add 5lbs to the last set or two.
To quote the great Vince Lombardi: "It's not whether you get knocked down, it's whether you get back up." Keep getting back up. 👍
Not that I have all the Rocky movies, well 1-4, memorized but Clubber to Rocky after trashing him in the first round ... You better get up! I got a lot 'a more for you if you get up ....." Even fighting what appeared to be an invisible vicious killer he STILL got up and eventually got it done ......... Ahh, 80s movies. So much better, including Hoosiers.

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