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I went out and got our Christmas tree.
Before you laugh, it was a workout. I knew where I wanted to go and it was about 3/8 mile in, through a twisted, tangled mess all of the way. Criss-crossed fallen logs, boomer holes, rhodie bushes and trees of all sizes. I found a great 9' tree, whacked it down, then about killed myself getting it back out of there. My lab was soo beat he could hardly jump into the truck.
It was great.
Back and calves completed. Today I incorporated a new lift into the regimen: barbell bent over rowing with the smith machine. I forgot to bring my belt today despite it being back day, so I didn't do anything crazy with this new exercise, just 94 pounds for 3 sets of 10 reps each.

Again the gym was crowded even after 9 AM (day off from work today and tomorrow), so for Leg Day on Wednesday I'm going to roll out of bed at 4:30 AM to be in the gym by 5. I'll do this at least until mid February when all of the rabble has come and gone.
We walked down the steep driveway with the dogs and continued with our attempts to keep the 18 mo. old GSD/malinois from hassling the 11 yr. old Chihuahua. Favorite toy, I guess. Then back up the steep driveway, raising pulse to 140-150 levels, throwing the 5-10 lb. stick the big pup fetched onto the bonfire pile and going in the house for more coffee.
Same thing tomorrow. Life is good..
^ No kidding. If I can retire away from people ... I hate them LOL .... the honor of having one of those incredible dogs......

This really hit home this morning. This new thing happening more and more. Young entitled brats leaving their water bottle, hoodie, or backpack on or near workout equipment to 'claim it' while they are off doing something else. I completely ignore that BS now.

Quad day again. Going to go for 175 on first four sets of squats today and do 180 for last set.

The weightloss group I have been attending since 2018 abruptly ended today. The guy that runs the group got burned out and has too many other activities he is running for the city. It was a good run but it looks like I am destined to be Brandon's look alike (but stronger).

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Heading back to the gym today after a week long break. I really screwed up my lower back Friday before last. It is still sore but hopefully will be up to snuff for this coming Friday's workout. Today is quad day so lower back pain shouldn't impact today's workout.

I am going to shoot for 4x5 squats with 180lbs on the bar. Then at least one more set with 185lbs.
^ No kidding. If I can retire away from people ... I hate them LOL .... the honor of having one of those incredible dogs......

This really hit home this morning. This new thing happening more and more. Young entitled brats leaving their water bottle, hoodie, or backpack on or near workout equipment to 'claim it' while they are off doing something else. I completely ignore that BS now.

I watched the entire video. I think this video was made at MY Gym because I recognize ALL of the people (and their behavior) from MY Gym. My comments: #1- I like the Tequila idea. #2- I've seen many at MY Gym try their damnedest to destroy the Gym's equipment. #3- I don't take any extra protein, testosterone, steroids, or other muscle building supplements either, but my body is 3X his size. 😁😅😂🤣😎
Knocked out the 4 squat sets of 180lbs. Bumped the weight up to 185lbs and legs got wobbly on 4th rep. I racked it and waited for about 10 seconds and completed the 5th rep.

After squats I did 3x8+ of the following:

Inclined leg press
Seated leg extensions
Hack squat
Cable kicks

I was going to do seated leg presses on the way out but I was feeling light headed.
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Knocked out the 4 squat sets of 180lbs. Bumped the weight up to 185lbs and legs got wobbly on 4th rep. I racked it and waited for about 10 seconds and completed the 5th rep.

After squats I did 3x8+ of the following:

Inclined leg press
Seated leg extensions
Hack squat
Cable kicks

I was going to do seated leg presses on the way out but I was feeling light headed.
Great work!
Did 4x5 bench press with 175lb, added 5lbs for fifth and a bonus sixth set (only got four reps on sixth set)

Then I did 3x8+ of the following.

Dumbbell flys flat bench (45lb db)
Dumbbell presses incline bench (60lb db)
Pec deck
Shoulder press machine
Decline chest press machine
Overhead barbell press (I am very weak with this exercise)
Wide grip lat bar pull down leaning way back in seat.
Going to aim for 180lbs with first four sets of bench press today. If I have success with that, I will add 5lbs for the 5th set.
Going to aim for 180lbs with first four sets of bench press today. If I have success with that, I will add 5lbs for the 5th set.
Good Stuff, Arakboss !! I tried the wide grip lat bar pull down leaning back. I fell off the seat when my hands slipped off the wide bar. Then I was sooo tired that I fell asleep for an hour and a half. 🥱😴🤫🤣🤣😎
I did 4 sets of bench presses at 180lbs. I added 5lbs for the last set and only got 4 reps before I had to rack it. I waited about 20 seconds and did the last rep, barely.

After benching, I did 3x8+ of the following:

Dumbbell flys flat bench
Dumbbell presses with inclined bench
Peck deck
Shoulder press machine
Military press barbell
Decline press machine
Cable flys
Going to aim for 180lbs with first four sets of bench press today. If I have success with that, I will add 5lbs for the 5th set.
I typically do 184 for 4 or 5 reps and I pyramid up to this weight, so you're right there with me at this point.

Olympic bar is 44 lbs, two 45s and two 25s. If I'm feeling da power I'll go for the 35s rather than the 25s.
So an update on the knee wraps: I've been using them now a couple of times for Leg Day and I highly recommend them. They really will give you extra support for the heavy exercises. I've been wrapping them relatively tight and doing the two seated leg press machines followed by the hack squat machine. I then I take them off and store them in one of the cubbies on the gym floor until my workout is over.

This works extremely well for me.
I did 4 sets of bench presses at 180lbs. I added 5lbs for the last set and only got 4 reps before I had to rack it. I waited about 20 seconds and did the last rep, barely.

After benching, I did 3x8+ of the following:

Dumbbell flys flat bench
Dumbbell presses with inclined bench
Peck deck
Shoulder press machine
Military press barbell
Decline press machine
Cable flys
Congrats on the bench! In a couple of months you'll surpass me. Keep going!

New thread on exerciseing.

I am generally more motivated when having to be held accountable for my actions (or inaction in this case) and did very well exercising when I had a buddy who lived close and our schedules and stamina were similar (a very rare thing to find as I get older).

A lot of us have/had desk or driving jobs that require long hours and include zero physical work, but we would like to be in better shape then we are. Or maybe you've had an illness or injury to recover from and need some encouragement...

Being one that fits in both of the above categories, I thought it might be nice to start a thread similar to the (What did you do to prep today?) thread.

Share what you have done to improve your health, be it exercise, new diet or whatever.
I am a land surveyor so my job requires me to be outside in the elements. Working a physical job will certainly burn calories. Also just make sure you're not consuming more calories than you burn in a day will you help you lose fat. Cardio, weightlifting, hydration, and sleep are the keys.
I'm back doing physical work for money so all of my calories are going to that and my days off are in recovery.

Once I have more energy then work demands I will likely get back into the gym - or get a bit more serious about home improvement.

I know how to do all of my projects, I just never seem to have the time and money coincide lol.

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