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"Deputies said the intruder was taken to Providence St. Peter Hospital where he continued to be combative and curse at doctors and staff. Investigators said as soon as he recovers from the gunshot, he will be charged with burglary"

......then released....
Hmm, I thought it was supposed to be two in the chest and one in the head? Kudos for the homeowner being armed or else it may have ended differently.
When I saw this on the news they said the home owner did nothing wrong.
mmmmm. I said he did one thing wrong.
He only fired one SHOT

I suppose if the thug fell down or something you probably cannot end his life if the threat had ended already.
Do like the trained PROFESSIONAL cops and run it dry. There is plenty of evidence to support your actions. Now that I am not being flippant, continue to shoot until the attacker is on their back or back is facing you you.

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