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To me, what the video clearly points out is that many of the new breed of cops these days are pretty complacent and definitely not expecting the worst.

Similarly, the new breed who are expecting the worst, and in some cases hoping for the worst, are far to trigger happy. Take Captain Acorn for example...
That's some major pucker factor there.

"Partner, WTF was that?"

What is said when you're no longer recruiting military vets in your police departments.

This happened on July 3rd. 9 p.m. on a slow Wednesday night.

"On July 12, 2024, Los Angeles Police arrested 31-year-old Malcolm Guss Jr.. He is charged in case 24CMCF01337 on one count of attempted murder of a peace officer; two counts of assault with a machine gun upon a peace officer; one count of shooting at an occupied motor vehicle; one count of possession of a machine gun; and two counts of possession of firearm by a felon. During the ensuing investigation, police located and seized the Chevrolet sedan. Police also seized a firearm believed to have been involved in the crime. He was booked into police custody on $2,000,000 bail, booking number 6845941. If convicted as charged, Guss faces a maximum sentence of life in prison."
He should face the death penalty. Period.

We need to stop being soft on crime, especially crimes that violate federal firearms laws. Not to mention California's draconian gun control laws.
I'm not sure any police agency would be training their traffic cops in a way that would prepare them for a full auto rifle being sprayed out the back window of a vehicle
The departments with good training indeed are training for this eventuality. There's simply no such thing as a routine vehicle stop anymore.

I had a difficult time watching the video, when even smaller departments in the MidWest are having officers shot at during "routine" traffic stops. Again, it's tough to watch a couple LA street cops getting caught so unaware.

As far as the "new breed" being far too trigger-happy -- I found the exact opposite to be true. at least until I retired in 2022. After Ferguson/Atlanta/Minneapolis/Tacoma/Seattle, et al, the "new breed" was far less likely to shoot first, or shoot back.
That's the NICEST thing anyone has said to me all week!

I think this thread needs a therapy hug...

These daggum millennial cops just didn't know how to do nothin no more. Back when I was green in the ankles, we'd shoot grandmas just for fun because you never know if those cookies were really bombs disguised as petunias. Gotta be ready for exploding petunia cookies dontchaknow

-some cranky old guy, probably

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