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Staffing has been a big problem with the USPS,
The mail always slows down around the holidays, but this year it seemed especially bad. They didn't deliver at all for a couple days before Thanksgiving. When they finally showed up the next week the mail carrier said they didn't have enough drivers. We didn't get the black Friday and cyber Monday ads till the following Tuesday, and the offers had already expired.
I never seem to have an issue with my bills showing up on time...
I got all my Oct and Nov phone, internet, and power bills in a batch in Dec. By the time they showed up I was getting pounded with overdue notices and late fees. Interesting how the overdue notices showed up before the actual bills, which must have been held up somewhere..

-isn't it a Federal offense to take someone else's mail? What's that mean for the guy giving you someone else's mail? Come on man!

"Is it illegal to open someone else's mail?
You bet it is. It's also illegal to throw someone else's mail away on purpose. Both are considered tampering. When you get someone else's mail, do not open it and do not throw it away, since both are punishable offenses (and no one likes offending or punishment). Don't worry, if you were mindlessly tearing open your stack of mail and realized you'd received someone else's and opened in error, you won't be taken away in cuffs. The law is intended to protect against unsavory types looking to gather personal information."

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