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@ilikegunspdx those stocks on Atlantic are not bad, looks wise or cost. Thanks much.

(I've kind of have been Jonesing for a new Form 1 project for a while. Super lil' carbines/stocked pistols are always of interest and there is the gonzo DD idea that I haven't been able to get out of my head all of this century. I need to concentrate time and resources on two other big life, not firearms, projects. But a diversion never hurts. :s0155: )
@ilikegunspdx those stocks on Atlantic are not bad, looks wise or cost. Thanks much.

(I've kind of have been Jonesing for a new Form 1 project for a while. Super lil' carbines/stocked pistols are always of interest and there is the gonzo DD idea that I haven't been able to get out of my head all of this century. I need to concentrate time and resources on two other big life, not firearms, projects. But a diversion never hurts. :s0155: )
For me the thing I like about AP5 is due to the cost there is lots of room $ wise to experiment or add on. Some of the AP5 packages come with flash hiders and/or optic mounts also. Great deals section has a non-trilug AP5 (full size) for $849. That's crazy low for a gun that's indistinguishable from the $2400+ HK. All imo. I understand why some want to pay more for the HK version I just don't see the value for my preferences. There is even a 16" barrel version at palmetto. It's currently at $1199 but was $799 (maybe $899, can't recall) 2 weeks ago. I also listed it in great deals section.
I've been contemplating that and thx for your earlier thread on it. Looks like cost is $529 for the Lee lower and $70 for trip plus ? For the super safety (grey market tactical -currently sold out). As far as I can tell anyway. Cool option. There does seem to be wear on the trip/safety parts from what I can tell on the very few reviews out there. I don't know much about it.

Currently kinda weighing the sd clone at $1550 vs a Stribog 10mm at $1090. The super safety option is cheaper though for an existing gun. In the short run I mean. Ammo costs kinda go through the roof if you shoot it much. I kinda wish a person could put a suppressor inside the shroud of the sd version just to maintain the wide suppressor look. Might be kind of goofy looking though in reality i guess? (Depends on suppressor length inside the shroud). With a 1.5" diameter regular (not the b&t sd specific one) suppressor wouldn't need the shroud thing at all.l to have the proper diameter look.
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I've been contemplating that and thx for your earlier thread on it. Looks like cost is $529 for the Lee lower and $70 for trip plus ? For the super safety (grey market tactical -currently sold out). As far as I can tell anyway. Cool option. There does seem to be wear on the trip/safety parts from what I can tell on the very few reviews out there. I don't know much about it.

Currently kinda weighing the sd clone at $1550 vs a Stribog 10mm at $1090. The super safety option is cheaper though for an existing gun. In the short run I mean. Ammo costs kinda go through the roof if you shoot it much. I kinda wish a person could put a suppressor inside the shroud of the sd version just to maintain the wide suppressor look. Might be kind of goofy looking though in reality i guess. With a 1.5" diameter suppressor wouldn't need the shroud thing at all.
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It can be done cheaper with a printed plastic lower ( remember the HK's use plastic lowers anyway.) and there are many vendors for the super safetiies themselves.

The trips dont wear out. If anything wears out its the detent pin but even that is a rarity if you grease everything. I know people who put tens of thousands of young through theirs with no issues.

The stripped lee lower at $350 is the one you want if you go with Lee. Trips are $70 and SS's at $55 plus an AR trigger group.
Has anyone considered the Extar EP9 pistol? No form 1's needed if you keep it a "braced pistol" firearm. With Trump on his way in and Biden's ATF director gone, I don't think the feds will be enforcing stupid internal rules, that hint at prosecuting people for using the pistol brace like a rifle butt.
YouTuber "Honest Outlaw" (Chris) really speaks highly of this firearm.
We may even get chl reciprocity
. I would like to see that providing acquiring a chl isn't made more difficult.
Acquiring a CCW won't be more difficult.

There is already a big push by blue states to create more gun-free zones, making your CCW pretty much useless.

I also believe the reciprocity law will get hung up in the courts forever if it does pass.
Acquiring a CCW won't be more difficult.

There is already a big push by blue states to create more gun-free zones, making your CCW pretty much useless.

I also believe the reciprocity law will get hung up in the courts forever if it does pass.
You might be right time will tell.
Has anyone considered the Extar EP9 pistol? No form 1's needed if you keep it a "braced pistol" firearm. With Trump on his way in and Biden's ATF director gone, I don't think the feds will be enforcing stupid internal rules, that hint at prosecuting people for using the pistol brace like a rifle butt.
YouTuber "Honest Outlaw" (Chris) really speaks highly of this firearm.
Had one. Reliable but recoil and twang/vibration from it was really harsh. Also very long because it has a buffer and brace therefore can't be folded/collapsed. Because a brace can be added to any of the PCC/PDW/subguns, "No form 1's needed" applies to any of them.
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Has anyone considered the Extar EP9 pistol? No form 1's needed if you keep it a "braced pistol" firearm. With Trump on his way in and Biden's ATF director gone, I don't think the feds will be enforcing stupid internal rules, that hint at prosecuting people for using the pistol brace like a rifle butt.
YouTuber "Honest Outlaw" (Chris) really speaks highly of this firearm.
Yes we have the original Extar EP9. It is about a pound lighter than your average AR9 so my wife, our 14 year old and my 84 year old father can all use it proficiently. It works best with Glock brand mags and does not like polymer coated bullets.
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An American spin on the Bizon? (Though, IIRC, the Russians may have copied Calico.) An upper than runs on 55-round helical magazines:


I don't think I'll give it a spin, but the Spaceballs theme is now in my head. :s0155:
To me that one is goofy, unnecessarily complicated and bulky, and looks prone to malfunction. Plus where do you put your hand or bottom rail stuff? It's basically a Stribog with a big mag that looks like a piece of drain pipe stuck on the bottom. Unproven platform. No thanks!

I would like to have a roller delayed Stribog 10mm though. Everyone says its recoil is not much different than 9mm roller delayed which is pretty amazing. Proven reliable, low recoil, and extremely accurate platform:

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AFAIK, the Calico family of pistols, carbines, and subguns all were plagued with reliability issues. So, can't help but suspect this thing could suffer the same. Have to imagine this thing would be front heavy too. (The name of the company — STINC — doesn't inspire confidence either.) Ergo, no thanks.

Anywho, speaking of Calicos, for one's viewing enjoyment:




"Hey, don't mess around with the Spaceballs ..."
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AFAIK, the Calico family of pistols, carbines, and subguns all were plagued with reliable issues. So, can't help but suspect this thing could suffer the same. Have to imagine this thing would be front heavy too. (The name of the company — STINC — doesn't inspire confidence either.) Ergo, no thanks.

Anywho, speaking of Calicos, for one's viewing enjoyment:




"Hey, don't mess around with the Spaceballs ..."
Apparently the calicos are still made in enterprise Elgin OR. Website is sketchy.

With that drain pipe on the bottom how can I attach my kickstand? :s0112:
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