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Tiktok is back up. The Orange Tyrant that opposes freedom of speech apparently worked out a deal.

I'm happy because it means continued entertainment here
Hey all. Was just thinking this and would like to hear the thoughts of others.

I never used TikTok, and quite honestly despised it. Originally I was very much so open to it being banned, but after really thinking about it I realized that TikTok being banned may not be as awesome as it seems. It seems more so to me that with TikTok being banned, the government has the power to ban things it doesnt like, which certainly doesnt seem to bode well for our personal freedoms. Now maybe Im looking into this a bit much, but who knows. You give the government an inch, they will take a mile.
Tic Toc is an information site that covers the entire planet earth, respectively I'm not certain how someone can "despise" information.
During Covid it's how I personally educated myself when FB was censoring all that is now considered to be true.
I received 13, thirty day bans on FB for "misinformation", 4 of which were on Ivermectin which is now being used as a cancer and Covid treatment ( very successful I might add ).
Tic Toc being shut down is 100% about the government censoring our freedom of speech, period. It has absolutely nothing to do with "China" and them gathering "info" ( insert whatever rhetoric here please ).
People have the opportunity to give their personal examples/experiences aboit literally everything, some are dancing girls, some are dancing bears and some is legitimate information that the US government has no right to cencor or shut down.
TickToc Trump.png
Hot young ladies of age have a God given right to post short videos of themselves dancing around naked to bad music if they choose to do so!

Any government that interferes with this right IS AN OPPRESSIVE GOVERNMENT!!!

But, then again, I had a coworker that was always like "Oh, you got to see this TicTok vid!".. which was truly annoying!
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I tell you what, Tiktoks algorithm was showing me more about what was happening in the USA than any other media and sometimes even immediately. I saw a lot of pro-trump stuff on there and news about the biden admin that media wanted to hide.

And also the OF bubblegumes flashing their tits, that was entertaining too.

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