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They shut down their American servers because of the ban. I don't use Tiktok, but I agree with the freedom of speech and access to information that it provided. My biggest concern with the whole situation is the fact that all media outlets and social media platforms are being controlled by the government.
What "freedom of speech" did TikTok provide, when it's owned by a Chinese company with Chinese laws requiring that said company give the Chinese government data if requested?

There were plenty of things that one could get banned for, from TikTok's platform, to the best of my recollection; compared to Reddit and X.

Any time there's a viable source of information that they can't control, they shut it down. Zuckerberg just bought his way in, and if they bring Tiktok back, it's only because they're contracting with Meta. The only source of information we will have access to will be owned by Presidents Musk and Zuckerberg aside from the already corrupted media broadcasting organizations we've had access to for decades. We only get the news they want us to see, nothing more from an outside perspective.
As opposed to things only the Chinese government allows the American users to view?

Or opposed to things only the corporations allow users to view, for that matter? (Facebook/Meta, X, Bluesky, YouTube and even Reddit lol)

It is rather curious that the US SCOTUS unanimously voted to uphold the Federal ban on TikTok .
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What "freedom of speech" did TikTok provide, when it's owned by a Chinese company with Chinese laws requiring that said company give the Chinese government data if requested?

There were plenty of things that one could get banned for, from TikTok's platform, to the best of my recollection; compared to Reddit and X.

As opposed to things only the Chinese government allows the American users to view?

Or opposed to things only the corporations allow users to view, for that matter? (Facebook/Meta, X, Bluesky, YouTube and even Reddit lol)
They can't gather more data than Lenovo already does. Aside from the data gathering fear mongering that congress has flailed around, Tiktok itself doesn't produce content, it's a user-based platform, and its monitoring and sensoring is a lot more lax than its sister companies that are primarily Chinese platforms. It's a widespread, user to user free exchange of content and information. Sure you can get banned for being offensive or derogatory and disrespectful, but overall, it's access to a live feed to millions of other users around the world. Not just China, and not just America. It's across the globe. You could see what was happening in Gaza and Ukraine while they were happening before there were headlines telling you whether it did or didn't happen. Most of the propaganda out there is American made and force fed to our own people. You can trust whoever you want, but I'll never put my trust in our oligarchy.
Like I was saying cynically.... It seems one government is trying to justify its abilities to gather users data, while the other is trying to prevent that government from gathering users data that it'd like it's own access to.
I'm more prone to believe it's all about which government can control what you have access to see and how they can use the platform to manipulate you. They both already have all our data.
Well there goes the thread. WAY over there somewhere. :rolleyes:

Sorry, couldn't help myself.

Meeemories, Sweeet Mem,orieeees.
I did not have a login and have never installed the Android app, but did check via web on Android last evening and got a screen shot of the ban page.

Checked today and it is back up. I created an account just to make sure, yup, it seems to be working as "good" as ever.
I did not have a login and have never installed the Android app, but did check via web on Android last evening and got a screen shot of the ban page.

Checked today and it is back up. I created an account just to make sure, yup, it seems to be working as "good" as ever.
Did Zuckerberg open his wallet this morning?
I did not have a login and have never installed the Android app, but did check via web on Android last evening and got a screen shot of the ban page.

Checked today and it is back up. I created an account just to make sure, yup, it seems to be working as "good" as ever.
I think he was talking about Altoids, not androids. :s0070:
I think he was talking about Altoids, not androids. :s0070:
mark zuckerberg android.jpg
So there's this guy..

He's very controlling, and keeps a tight grip on his family. No one steps out of line. He needs them though. They provide him food and luxuries. He makes sure they're always safe, fit, healthy..and always..always..obedient.

But see this guy's a drug dealer. We're talking hard stuff. Fentanyl, heroin, pcp, name it. He also trades in human's..slavery type stuff. He's a crooked bastage at level 11

He also hates his neighbors and will always war against them. Whatever it takes to weaken them..drugs, porn, corruption, moral decrepitude, internal strife..all of it. Because the best way to defeat his neighbors is to help them defeat themselves.


When that individual creates, owns, implements and regulates activities intended to harm his enemies..but ensures those same devices can't be used against his's time those neighbors do something.

BTW...the TikTok your 14 year old had/has access to here in the U.S., is not the same that a 14 year old in China has access to...they would never allow that garbage.

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