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I don't do social media other than NWFA and more rarely r/gundeals sub on reddit.

All the talk I am seeing regarding Tik Tok is that our social media companies like Instagram, X, Snapchat, etc, don't hold a candle to Tik Tok. The Chinese have "borrowed" lots of our technology, why can't we borrow some of theirs and create an American version of Tik Tok that works exactly the same way?
What's a Tik Tok?
Your answer below, moaybe?
Spazzed-out chicks making funky noises?

Seriously though. I don't know anything about it. Never been there. Well, except very short visits, like 5 times. I saw an ad/commercial on TV with a mom and her daughter telling how terrible it will be for them, if Tik-tok goes away because that's how they get their little family business advertised.
Trump made a big deal about being friends with the owner or something to that affect and had him seated near him at the inauguration.

Promised to negotiate a way to bring it back.

Wife knows way more about it then I do which is the only reason I know about the above.
I guess my question could apply to any situation where China is providing a dominant service in our Country. China is constantly being accused of copying our technology, it only seems fair that we borrow from them every once in awhile?
If we did come up with an equivalent, would it be copyright infringement to call it Short Attention Span Theatre? Seems fitting.
There already are. Youtube shorts, Rednote, Instagram reels, and plenty of others.

It's the userbase that isn't getting replicated.

The challenge is getting people to use other platforms once one becomes the defacto standard. This is what made Twitter so valuable. Sure, it's technically possible to create an identical service, but getting people to use it is the difficult part.
I have an account as does Wife. Only thing I use it for is watching video of animals and some humorous cartoons a guy does of the voices of idiots being arrested. Wife actually buys stuff from shops there fairly often. Like most tech still not sure what it is that is such a problem with it. As if the info I put on the net is not already sold to anyone who will buy it. :s0092:
It was down for about 12 hours according to my lady and it's back up and running.

Made bider look worser and Trump look good.

My wife is my social media manager so other then this place, I get the clips she sends me and that's pretty much what I watch.

She knows me well so I even get sent stuff she doesn't necessarily think is all that funny but knows I most likely will.

All of it I can take or leave. There are content creators I follow and when they post I watch it but that's mainly comedy and stuff like dogs being goofy or voice overs. I try to stay away from the serious stuff.

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