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Brought a lil' Church out for @CountryGent ...
... and then St. NasT of the Felinians appeared in the latte foam.

Wishing Everyone a Peaceful and Relaxing Sunday. Be it with Family, Friends, or Felines. (Dogs too... it just didn't begin with an "F")
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Praise the Lord and pass the ammo. Presently farting around the home library whilst waiting on wife and children to be ready for church. Happy Sunday all. :)
I have a very similar bookshelf...
Several different versions of The Bible...The Book of Mormon ...The Torah...The Quran....

My daughter even when young had full access to my library.....once long ago when she was little asked after seeing said shelf....
"Daddy these books fight with each other when we are asleep...? :D
Just another day in paradise! Good morning NWFA! I had an ER visit last Wednesday and I'm still recovering so, pent up and getting cranky! Really want to hit the range soon. Anyway, hope all are well and good and looking forward to the weekend. Stay safe, shoot straight and keep the mags full! :s0155: Coffee mugs too!:D

Thread cleaned a tad.......

Let's please follow the sites rules and leave the off-topic politics for other sites including posts that would paint firearms owners in a bad light and give anti's fodder to further their agenda.
It was -20 at my house this morning.
So you are having iced-coffee?

At least it is so cold that the tires will grip the snow and ice... I kind of miss that scrunch noise. Oh oh oh and watching the billowing powder roll from the fender-wells and over the hood like the bow of a ship cutting through the swells.

Good morning my friends! It is a bit chilly out for sure. Hope all are warm and not having to travel out much. Today, the P365 is taking over duties and the G43 is being retired. Think I'm going to move it along. Sometimes a little change is fun. The Sig really fits my hand well and for as small as it is, just feels kind of natural. Anyway, stay safe and shoot straight! :s0155:

Well past morning. I've been up since ... hell if I can recall. But I did spy this when paying my lunch tab at my favorite Mexican joint.

Smile I did indeed. Long hours and weather out of Ice Station Zebra, yah, I'd rather be on a balmy beach. :s0155:

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