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I like the M1 Carbine and have one set up as an occasional "truck gun", when needed. It's a nice 50-100 yard gun with a red dot sight. That's 45 rounds of grab n go in a light package, and SCHP or soft nose bullets are potent enough for most situations. I've seen it put down 150-200 lb pigs pretty quickly.

Paid $375 for it 16-20 years ago. It's easy & cheap to reload the ammo, I use it in 2-gun or PCC type matches when I can. The 30 rd mags are OK but the 15 rounders are pretty dependable. Fun to shoot!

A pencil barreled 16" AR with red dot is so much more practical in most every way as a "fighting rifle".

I do kinda think that a silenced, folding, 10/22 with a 12" barrel and a brick of ammo is better for most "SHTF" situations I can envision, where killing animals for food, eliminating pests, and staying out of gun fights is the goal.

Which is funny, as the 10/22 has some design commonality with M1 Carbine.
Was the screenshot thing posted to show us your Gmail username or to show us that you looked up an SKS rack picture?
It's one of my cases of rifles. I'm down a few after selling some during the plague panic buying frenzy. PAX
That's because he was a little dude and M-1 Garand was as big as he was.

OK, so maybe it is a good choice for "Little dudes" eh?

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