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No I guess not. I just ASSumed that South Korea and M-1 Carbines when together like PB&J due to the million or so we left over there for them. I figured anyone over there that trained with that rifle just like a US solder and the AR platform would make it a weapon of choice. Kind of like me and the M-14 and 1911.
Pmc made a ton of .30 carbine ammo too.
South Korea might still actually make 30rd m1 mags ( kci)

I just love that picture. I'd put Mr. Kim on a t shirt and wear it everywhere.
Is the carbine my first choice? No.

Would I feel unarmed with one? No.

Do I think most people on the interwebs who comment negatively have actually carried a carbine (and other gear, all day, over terrain, on foot or a bike) and felt the sweet handling characteristics or shot it extensively? No.

Have I met anyone who is willing to stand in front of one? No.

Do I think spare parts and ammo for ANYTHING are going to abound in SHTF? No.

Do I think the folk who note current cost of 30 USC ammo bought it cheap and stacked it deep when it was plentiful? No.

Do I think those same people bought dies, reload and realize the awesome economy of shooting .30 USC as a reload compared to factory retail ammo? No.

Do I think people know the ME of .30 USC is about 970? And if you SBR one to 10" it only drops to 710? (A roughly corresponding 9mm 115 in a 10" barrel is about 486). No.

Do I think if the .30 USC was initially named .30 US PCC anyone would poo-poo as a pip-squeak and compare it to .30-06? No.

Have I had any issues with the "flimsy"magazine design in over 35 years of use of many magazines? Including splitting an order of 100 crappy dented, rusted mags that were $1/ea from Sarco out of shotgun news in 1983 that I made a block of hardwood in Jr. High shop class as a mandrel to true the bodies/remove dents from, steel wooled rust off of still shoot some today? No.

Am I happy that I parted with a half dozen of them over the past 40 years and am only down to 2? No.

Should you suppress one? No. Heinous gas face!

Slightly off topic. I've long complained that soft point Carbine ammunition cost about double FMJ, but when reloading, the bullets were the same price.

As with many of your posts, I would ask the "best" for who? I don't know diddly squat about taking them apart and where I live ammo for it doesn't exactly have it's own shelf. It's definitely not the best for me.

What's best for a 6'8" 20 year old in Vermont is likely not the same as what's best for a 5'2" 70 year old in Utah
Is the carbine my first choice? No.

Would I feel unarmed with one? No.

Do I think most people on the interwebs who comment negatively have actually carried a carbine (and other gear, all day, over terrain, on foot or a bike) and felt the sweet handling characteristics or shot it extensively? No.

Have I met anyone who is willing to stand in front of one? No.

Do I think spare parts and ammo for ANYTHING are going to abound in SHTF? No.

Do I think the folk who note current cost of 30 USC ammo bought it cheap and stacked it deep when it was plentiful? No.

Do I think those same people bought dies, reload and realize the awesome economy of shooting .30 USC as a reload compared to factory retail ammo? No.

Do I think people know the ME of .30 USC is about 970? And if you SBR one to 10" it only drops to 710? (A roughly corresponding 9mm 115 in a 10" barrel is about 486). No.

Do I think if the .30 USC was initially named .30 US PCC anyone would poo-poo as a pip-squeak and compare it to .30-06? No.

Have I had any issues with the "flimsy"magazine design in over 35 years of use of many magazines? Including splitting an order of 100 crappy dented, rusted mags that were $1/ea from Sarco out of shotgun news in 1983 that I made a block of hardwood in Jr. High shop class as a mandrel to true the bodies/remove dents from, steel wooled rust off of still shoot some today? No.

Am I happy that I parted with a half dozen of them over the past 40 years and am only down to 2? No.

Should you suppress one? No. Heinous gas face!

View attachment 1997529
Did I read your whole post?
The M1 carbine can still serve in its intended role....
A short range self defense firearm.
Humans ain't changed since the Carbine was designed or worked will work now.
Just how well it works ....for a given situation should be considered.
As in just how well will it work for you in your situation.

With that said....
it is the word "perfect" in the thread title that is the sticking point for me.
According to Oxford.....Perfect :
1.having all the required or desirable elements , qualities or characteristics , as good as it is possible to be.
2.absolute , complete

In the first part of the definition ...there is that little word "all"....
And while I do like the M1 does not have it "all"...
Truth be told....I don't think that I could say any firearm would have it "all" for a true SHTF situation.
Especially since words like "all"....and "perfect"..can and will mean different things to different people.
It is very important to consider just what S hits the fan.
Situation and circumstances will dictate just what is "perfect".
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The 30 Carbine did a lot more than I gave it credit for. Not bad...
With ball ammo which I am guessing he used the .30 did always have VERY good penetration for the close in stuff like that. Back when I had them I also rolled for them and could make some NICE for home use stuff. I and a LOT of other shooters just loved the little carbines for how they looked. Sadly the after market never seemed to be able to make them where you could count on them to work and they were pricey. So as the cost of Mil surplus started to rise, and the cost of the ammo started to rise? They lost a lot of favor. If I was to come into a lot of money one day I would still "have to " have another nice one just because I always did love the look. I have LONG been a HUGE fan of the PCC though. If Ruger would make the one I have in 9 in 10mm? That would have me wanting to move out of this state just so I could buy one :s0140:
I own a Winchester M1 Carbine that I have outfitted with a Synthetic Stock by Champion. I Really believe it is a top contender for emergency, survival, or SHFT scenarios. Why?
-Extremely lightweight
-Can carry a lot of ammo for the amount of weight.
- Accurate up to 300 meters.
-Extremely easy to maneuver.
- Has low recoil
- Has a reliable piston Driven system.
Here's my in depth review and shoot safely gunslingers.

What are your thoughts on the M1 Carbine?

The Mini-14 pretty much put a nail in the little M-1 carbine's coffin, but hey, Jimmy Stewart made a cool movie about it.
Audie Murphy did pretty good with one in WWII.
That's because he was a little dude and M-1 Garand was as big as he was.

Do I think spare parts and ammo for ANYTHING are going to abound in SHTF? No.

I have spare everything covered and have tool boxes with firing pins, springs and complete trigger groups, 15 tins of M67 on strippers alone, so I would beg to differ. PAX

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