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I still don't think the M1 is a good platform for the scenario the OP asked about.
Certainly not top ten, in my opinion. My point was just that if it was my only choice...

"Sit down and shut up" is a bit much, I agree. I will make an analogy though: Some years back a guy I know finished up a project car that he and his son had restored, late 1960's Mustang I think. They both took time off work and made a cross-country road trip, coast to coast.

That old car drove like it did when it was new, and he said they had a great trip, but when they got home he said neither of them was interested in ever going on a long trip in an old car ever again. Compared to a modern car it was rough riding, noisy, no air-conditioning, none of the luxuries that even basic cars have now. It did fine, but there are better options nowadays. I think both of them would still take offense though, if anyone said that old car was a junky, rusty old hulk that was never really any good to start with. If they had no other wheels, that old Mustang would still get them wherever they need to go.
Certainly not top ten, in my opinion. My point was just that if it was my only choice...
The question isn't "If it was your only choice". It's "The M1 Carbine. The perfect SHFT rifle?".

"Sit down and shut up" is a bit much, I agree. I will make an analogy though: Some years back a guy I know finished up a project car that he and his son had restored, late 1960's Mustang I think. They both took time off work and made a cross-country road trip, coast to coast.

That old car drove like it did when it was new, and he said they had a great trip, but when they got home he said neither of them was interested in ever going on a long trip in an old car ever again. Compared to a modern car it was rough riding, noisy, no air-conditioning, none of the luxuries that even basic cars have now. It did fine, but there are better options nowadays. I think both of them would still take offense though, if anyone said that old car was a junky, rusty old hulk that was never really any good to start with. If they had no other wheels, that old Mustang would still get them wherever they need to go.
Were they told to sit down and shut up because they didn't form their opinion in a way that satisfies the guys ego?
I think when the subject is "the perfect SHTF?" gun then its anything goes.

Everyone's got a handful of guns that they think are worthless but occasionally someone will ask about one here sincerely and thats when I tend to just not reply or keep it minimal. I dont know if I could hold back on the FN Herstal though... Id rather have an M1 Carbine. :p

to add to the list of 'back in its day' Id rather have an SKS than an M1 Carbine.
People always compare the Carbine to the Garand, and those who understand the Carbine keep saying that they are totally different guns. When people try to use a Carbine to fill the role of a Garand, it will fail miserably. Yes, the Garand is far better in its intended role, but the carbine is also better in its intended role. Different roles, different guns.
When my cousin Rich was stationed in Germany 1960-61 29. Rich Kaulen army unit, Germany circa 1960.JPG , he was assigned to the 52d Med Det, which was actually an aviation unit. What would later be called air ambulance. The TO&E for the 52d Med Det called for only two EM to carry the M1 Rifle ("Garand"). My cousin was one of the two. The rest of the detachment had Carbines or pistols.

31. Rich Kaulen opening tent flap, Germany circa 1960.JPG
That's my cousin on the right with his Rifle.

Here he is about 50 years later with a Rifle he got from CMP.
The question isn't "If it was your only choice". It's "The M1 Carbine. The perfect SHFT rifle?".
You have a point. :) Sorry, my bad. No, I don't think it's even remotely the "perfect" rifle anymore. It's easy to get a little defensive of the things that you like when it feels like someone else is attacking them, even when you see the flaws yourself.

Now that I think about it, I remember people talking about M1 carbines back in the '80s when I was first interested in guns. The talk was that they were cheap and plentiful, the perfect gun to have around. The SKS was like this in the '90s when they could be had by the crate for cheap. Back then people didn't have a lot of money for buying the latest and greatest, at least nobody I knew.

Both of these are very serviceable rifles, and were great bargains when they were cheap, but "cheap and plentiful" are long gone. They're both pretty much in the realm of collectors now, as functionally better rifles can be had for less money.

For the record, I like M1 Carbines, SKS's, M1 Garands, and even AR's. I have more Garands than anything else (I really like them!) I also have to remind myself during discussions like this that not everyone looks at guns the same way. I appreciate the mechanical ingenuity and history, whereas others may only value functionality. I have a friend who is a hunter, and to him a rifle's only value is its practicality for hunting. He's nice about it, but I can tell that he has no use whatsoever for all my old surplus guns, so much scrap metal in his eyes.
Every time the Carbine comes up it seems few remember the reason it came along. Military did not like having people carry a handgun when they did not want them to carry a "battle rifle". So this little carbine came along. Given a choice of having the pistol or a carbine I would certainly FAR prefer the little light rifle. Now days to get a good one the cost for both the gun and the ammo make it something that is low on my list. I do often kick myself that I did not hang onto a couple of them from long ago. When they were everywhere and fairly cheap. The surplus ammo made them a lot of fun.
Nope. Hokey, cobbled together from plumbing parts and a baseball bat, firing a pipsqueak caliber with minute-of-barn accuracy.

It only still gathers interest because you saw it in war glorification movies and it looks like your grandpas 51 Ford that seems nice sitting out front, but the entire chassis rusted away 30 years ago.
Other than that, OK?
My wife grew up on a rural farm, and her dad set her up with a M1 Carbine when she started hunting deer. She shot several with it before moving up to a 30-06. It never failed her.
No, it's not the perfect SHTF rifle. If ever you are pressed for parts or ammo you're going to have a hell of a time trying to trade for these than you would for AR or AK parts and ammo which are ubiquitous in this country. You shear a lug on a war baby and that is it. Don't get me wrong, I love the rifles and had at one time collected most of the manufacturers apart from Irwin Pederson. If you asked me if this was a good SHTF gun in the 60's then yes.
I've always wanted an M1 Carbine just because of where they've been and what they've done, but for me, I fell down the X39 commie rabbit hole and have too many rifles and tons of pre-panic bulk ammo to go in any other direction, which by the way doesn't hurt my feelings. If it got weird and I needed to reach out further, I have HK91, Garand and FN49. A carbine is a nice toy but does have limits that I don't know about since I don't have one ....yet. PAX
A few I wouldn't be afraid to press into service...bandoleers and mag pouches with strippers for all.
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+1 for the Sks

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