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I knew that we were in for a pullback eventually with the way the market was going and other factors (the bond market, interest rates, etc.).

But it was exciting to see my 401K/IRA earn more than I was at my job.

Come the end of the market this last Friday it was all gone and back to where it was at the start of January.

That's ok - I am in it for the long run and I started up my contributions again at the beginning of the year (I had maxed out for 2017 last October) so I would rather be putting money into the market when it is down than when it is up.

The normal volatility is back instead of the steady climb that made me nervous we would have a correction or maybe even a crash. I am sure the day traders are happy too - they don't make much money buying/selling when the market is steady.

How do you view the market this last year up to now?

What do you think is going to happen over the next year or two?
I dono squat!

But it seems like the best money is in the pre-market (funding) phase of an emerging company.

Energy exports would be my guess, now that the EPA is dialed back a bit.

Too much manipulation in the markets for me to invest that way.
I still think it will go to 35,000 before POTUS leaves office. I'd look for a ticker that is about-to or recently has split.
I don't invest in individual stocks - I put my money in funds, which is what most IRAs and 401Ks offer anyway.

I just try to diversify across sectors funds and bonds. Right now I am about 50/50 stocks/bonds, but all new contributions go into the equity market (stocks).

The one rule I try to adhere to is buy low and sell high. So many people do the opposite - they get excited and put money in when the market is like it has been the past month, and then panic when there is a sell-off like there was this last week. You have to either be in it for the long run or be good at day trading which requires a lot of attention/research and money to gamble. I am in it for the long run - if the market goes down, that is when I put more money in, and then I wait for it to go up.

I retire in 3 years but I intend to not withdraw from my 401K/IRAs until I have to - when I am 71, i.e. in 7 years when I am required to start withdrawing money. So I can let it ride, and even then I plan to let as much of it it ride as much as possible since the funds are for my daughter, not me.
I don't invest in individual stocks - I put my money in funds, which is what most IRAs and 401Ks offer anyway.

I just try to diversify across sectors funds and bonds. Right now I am about 50/50 stocks/bonds, but all new contributions go into the equity market (stocks).

The one rule I try to adhere to is buy low and sell high. So many people do the opposite - they get excited and put money in when the market is like it has been the past month, and then panic when there is a sell-off like there was this last week. You have to either be in it for the long run or be good at day trading which requires a lot of attention/research and money to gamble. I am in it for the long run - if the market goes down, that is when I put more money in, and then I wait for it to go up.

I retire in 3 years but I intend to not withdraw from my 401K/IRAs until I have to - when I am 71, i.e. in 7 years when I am required to start withdrawing money. So I can let it ride, and even then I plan to let as much of it it ride as much as possible since the funds are for my daughter, not me.

I have a wealthy uncle through marriage; he calls to visit every now and then. He-too, is well diversified in funds, and he always mentions his Limited Liability Partnerships...
A subject way Over my head..

I was up about 4 to 5% since the first of the year until last week, now I am up about 1.7% and that is fine. If I could do that month by month, by the end of the year I would still beat last year and do pretty well.

But I think this year may not be as good as last year, especially after November when we see the election results.

Whatever. Going to keep pushing the max into both the 401K and the Roth IRA. It would be nice if there was stead growth for 3 to 5 years, but as I said, I am in it for the long run. Even at only 5% average growth, in 20 years my daughter would have a good fund to use.
Depends if your a investor or trader? The good run was great for investors but traders love volitality. I did great last week shorts and with put options. The one stock I follow inside/out Lam Research is about to be a great buying opportunity unless the market crashes. I see some more selling first of this week then we will see what the end of the week holds. Bulls make money, bears make money and pigs get slaughtered.
Any of you that watch the markets know that what has happened the last two days they are calling "Historic"

Dow down 7% in two days, down another 5% in after hours "futures" trading. VIX just hit a record one day jump they are calling a "Terminal event"

This could be it... "The" crash

Or... It could be just a blip and we rocket up again from here. I am no wizard when it comes to prediction of market direction, I got out 5 years ago because I thought prices were crazy then, only to see them quadruple while I was on the sidelines....

But it sure seems like this could be it....
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I believe it is just profit taking. Computers automatically buy and sell stocks any more. Most large American companies are having record profits.
It was just a matter of time... The Market is based on faith...

It couldn't keep posting records forever...
Today' market fall at one time was down over 1500 ppints, largest one day fall ever. However it went back up to just 1100 points down. Wow what a ride and I saw it on tv as it happened.:cool:
Glad I readjusted a few weeks ago :)

It might go down more but I dont think it is a "terminal event".... most mainstream media is financial pornography ....very similar to what they do with other non financial "news" I think we will still see ups and downs but more ups than downs. Like mentioned above I took my playbook from what mutual & hedge funds and publicly traded companies do when your up....don't bet the farm....put some back for future endeavors and when every one else is selling, start buying a little at a time and ride the next wave. Don't think the market will go up? Lets wait and see what April/May/June brings when those tax refunds come out. Just my opinion :)

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