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These days, the simple presence of armed force is probably enough to deter looting. Actual shooting not required. Once the looters see guns, they will go away. I'm thinking. As satisfying as it would be to shoot or hang them. You don't want the trouble that comes out of that.
When talking with those who are aghast over looters being shot....
I would pose this notion :
They might still be unharmed or alive if....they choose not to loot / steal from someone.

With that said...
Defending one's property with lethal force is tricky at best when dealing with consequences for doing so.

Actions have consequences....some foreseen and expected....some not expected...some good ..some bad.
You can pick your action....picking your consequences is not so easily done.
Looters or whoever just need to think. Like an old TV show, "Baretta" saying. "If you can't do the time, don't do the crime" go old school. Looters need to be shot.
Looters or whoever just need to think. Like an old TV show, "Baretta" saying. "If you can't do the time, don't do the crime" go old school. Looters need to be shot.
That said...I am not a fan of general statements. like "Looters need to be shot."

I will in speaking only for myself...
If someone were to loot / steal my TV , I more than likely would not shoot them...since they ain't a threat to me .
However....if they were to loot /steal firearms from my safe , then that is another matter..since they now are a threat to me..

Again...those are my thoughts on this matter.
No one needs to agree with or do as I do
That said...I am not a fan of general statements. like "Looters need to be shot."

I will in speaking only for myself...
If someone were to loot / steal my TV , I more than likely would not shoot them...since they ain't a threat to me .
However....if they were to loot /steal firearms from my safe , then that is another matter..since they now are a threat to me..

Again...those are my thoughts on this matter.
No one needs to agree with or do as I do
I' guess I'll be nice and say, " Shocked and Awed" then.
The Craigslist ads are going to be epic when people are allowed back in.

For sale: Victorian era sofa. Very comfortable, beautiful, ageless color and pattern. Slight wear on one side.

No lowballers. Rare item. I know what I got.

20,000 homes so probably 3.
I'm not certain about that. I've gotten the impression that some liberals are fine with gun control for everyone but themselves. Like the many Dem. Calif. pols who have carry permits (when most ordinary citizens can't get one).

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