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In the still-smoldering neighborhoods of Altadena, where fires destroyed more than 2,700 structures, about 80 people have defied orders to evacuate, staying behind to protect what is left of their properties from looters and more fires after losing faith in authorities.

Residents patrol streets and interrogate strangers, living in a Hobbesian world without electricity or clean drinking water. Some are armed. They are hemmed in by yellow caution tape at neighborhood entrances flanked by National Guard troops, Los Angeles County Sheriff deputies and California Highway Patrol officers.

"We do feel like we're in the Wild West," said Aaron Lubeley, a 53-year-old lawyer who is one of the holdouts and serves as an unofficial emissary with police and fire representatives.

When talking with those who are aghast over looters being shot....
I would pose this notion :
They might still be unharmed or alive if....they choose not to loot / steal from someone.

With that said...
Defending one's property with lethal force is tricky at best when dealing with consequences for doing so.

Actions have consequences....some foreseen and expected....some not expected...some good ..some bad.
You can pick your action....picking your consequences is not so easily done.
When talking with those who are aghast over looters being shot....
I would pose this notion :
They might still be unharmed or alive if....they choose not to loot / steal from someone.

With that said...
Defending one's property with lethal force is tricky at best when dealing with consequences for doing so.

Actions have consequences....some foreseen and expected....some not expected...some good ..some bad.
You can pick your action....picking your consequences is not so easily done.

I have ZERO sympathy for looters or destructive rioters getting slotted. Protest all you want, but keep your mother-lovin' hands off of public and private property.

I'm glad those citizens are taking responsibility for their area, but as far as feeling like they're living in "The Wild West", I have a news-flash for you.... you've ALWAYS been living in "The Wild West". "Civilization" (as we call it) is merely a thinly veiled veneer of a mutually convenient illusion that only works if the vast majority do their part to maintain it.

Regardless of how many laws get passed, no matter how strong of a mental dysphoria rules your perception of reality... the "meanest mofo" with the biggest "club" is gonna rule over you.

I was doing a job in SE Portland yesterday (in hipsterville), and a poster up on a telephone pole said...

"Marching in the streets won't get the job done. Direct action is what gets the goods" (with a picture of bolt-cutters underneath it).

Those types will make great sandbags if things seriously slide that way....

I'm civil and polite because I CHOOSE to be that way... until I'm not, and then you're going to have a VERY bad day.
FYI new info on the guy neighbors caught with a citizens arrest for starting fires. He's an illegal alien who tried to start a Xmas tree on fire with a blowtorch then after they chased him away tried to set a trash can filled with leaves and sticks on fire.

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Theres so much irony in that article its hard to begin...

Every one of those armed homeowners should get exactly what they voted for.
Leadership in California is certainly not what it used to be.
After the devestating 1906 earthquake in San Francisco, the city's mayor at that time, Eugene Schmitz, issued the following order:
"The Federal Troops, the members of the Regular Police Force, and all Special Police Officers have been authorized by me to KILL any and all persons found engaged in Looting or in the Commission of Any Other Crime."
Leadership in California is certainly not what it used to be.
After the devestating 1906 earthquake in San Francisco, the city's mayor at that time, Eugene Schmitz, issued the following order:
"The Federal Troops, the members of the Regular Police Force, and all Special Police Officers have been authorized by me to KILL any and all persons found engaged in Looting or in the Commission of Any Other Crime."
Then they found love, window pane, cross tops, mushrooms and communes where three out of ten residents actually did anything. .Peace man, can I bum a cigarette?
I have ZERO sympathy for looters or destructive rioters getting slotted. Protest all you want, but keep your mother-lovin' hands off of public and private property.

I'm glad those citizens are taking responsibility for their area, but as far as feeling like they're living in "The Wild West", I have a news-flash for you.... you've ALWAYS been living in "The Wild West". "Civilization" (as we call it) is merely a thinly veiled veneer of a mutually convenient illusion that only works if the vast majority do their part to maintain it.

Regardless of how many laws get passed, no matter how strong of a mental dysphoria rules your perception of reality... the "meanest mofo" with the biggest "club" is gonna rule over you.

I was doing a job in SE Portland yesterday (in hipsterville), and a poster up on a telephone pole said...

"Marching in the streets won't get the job done. Direct action is what gets the goods" (with a picture of bolt-cutters underneath it).

Those types will make great sandbags if things seriously slide that way....

I'm civil and polite because I CHOOSE to be that way... until I'm not, and then you're going to have a VERY bad day.
Here's that sign I was mentioning (originally I was slightly off on the exact wording).... what a phuggin' dip-sheit mentality.:rolleyes:

California is a mess….
I wanted to go there so bad after high school in the early 80's (chicks & beachs)
Not at all today though.
I drive around the state if I can when I travel..
The same local government that find the resources to arrest and/or prosecute homeowners is the same body of people that failed to protect their property. Let's face it. The government gave itself immunity, so how hard are they going to try?

The city of LA still has pockets of areas never recovered from the riots. Twenty plus years later. Empty lots sat overgrown, eyesores, dangerous, and at someone's cost. The new affect areas of these fires are 10x the size and multiple millions of the property values.

I think the looters should rot in jail but, big picture, the powers that be will say, why fight it? The people in Hawaii, Ohio, and all those tragic areas will never be whole. Until real heads roll in the fallout, we are all just waiting for the next event.
The same local government that find the resources to arrest and/or prosecute homeowners is the same body of people that failed to protect their property. Let's face it. The government gave itself immunity, so how hard are they going to try?

The city of LA still has pockets of areas never recovered from the riots. Twenty plus years later. Empty lots sat overgrown, eyesores, dangerous, and at someone's cost. The new affect areas of these fires are 10x the size and multiple millions of the property values.

I think the looters should rot in jail but, big picture, the powers that be will say, why fight it? The people in Hawaii, Ohio, and all those tragic areas will never be whole. Until real heads roll in the fallout, we are all just waiting for the next event.
This article says they only sent five engines while holding back 35 fire trucks and 1000 firefighters. Just what it says they me be exaggerating I don't know.

This article says they only sent five engines while holding back 35 fire trucks and 1000 firefighters. Just what it says they me be exaggerating I don't know.

I am a native Californian. The notion so many resources were told to stage is ridiculous. I used to work outside from San Diego to the Bay and every county had burnt out areas. Over the years I've seen random water drops from helicopters and airplanes.

The Californian Air Guard and every other aircraft should have been immediately mobilized/recalled, because they already knew they would be. Easier to stand them down than call them up later to do more work.
This article says they only sent five engines while holding back 35 fire trucks and 1000 firefighters. Just what it says they me be exaggerating I don't know.

News Nation is reporting an account from a homeowner who recorded the start of the Palisades fire. He (or his wife) called 911 at 10:30 AM but did not see any response for another 45 minutes after that call. By that point the fire had already grown out of control.

From the article:

"We do feel like we're in the Wild West," said Aaron Lubeley, a 53-year-old lawyer who is one of the holdouts and serves as an unofficial emissary with police and fire representatives.

If Lubeley and the others try to leave, they risk being unable to return. On Monday, one of Lubeley's friends, Janely Sandoval, delivered essentials. The real-estate broker drove her white Mercedes SUV up to the neighborhood checkpoint and stacked supplies for Lubeley and others at the makeshift border: water, bagels, bananas, grain-free tortilla chips and other staples.
Fun fact, supply drops of bagels, bananas, and grain free tortilla chips were common in the Wild West. :rolleyes:

Houses still standing, including Gerber's, have no electricity or safe drinking water. He has decamped with his family to the Ritz Carlton in the oceanfront Marina del Rey neighborhood.

Gerber joined with neighbors to hire a private water truck and driver to sit by their empty homes in case of another fire outbreak. The water truck was initially blocked from entering the neighborhood by law-enforcement officers.

"So we called somebody who was very important who called Gavin Newsom and told him to let our water truck into our neighborhood," Gerber said.

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