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What would Spock drive?
I'd almost say he would be a motorcycle guy. But it could be a Ford festiva.
I could see Spock on a Norton.
You're both wrong... He was partial to certain Buicks...

Since this fire impacted dozens of batteries at once, firefighters could not stop the fire once it took off.

According to North Monterey County Fire, the battery facility has a fire suppression system, but it failed to stop the fire. The exact nature of the failure was not reported
Very smooth - come up with a couple 'excuses' the fire could not be put out.

EV mfgs will announce they will have to 'suspend' EV production due to the lack of availability of batteries.

Fast forward and EV mfgs. announce they will be 'halting' EV production indefinitely due to the 'Continuing lack of batteries and no information on future availability'

Mfgs. take the 'low road', get a 'free pass', and 'quietly' back out of EV production and breath a 'sigh of relief'....

Conspiracy theory? 'Tin foil hat' thinking? Ya never know.....
Very smooth - come up with a couple 'excuses' the fire could not be put out.

EV mfgs will announce they will have to 'suspend' EV production due to the lack of availability of batteries.

Fast forward and EV mfgs. announce they will be 'halting' EV production indefinitely due to the 'Continuing lack of batteries and no information on future availability'

Mfgs. take the 'low road', get a 'free pass', and 'quietly' back out of EV production and breath a 'sigh of relief'....

Conspiracy theory? 'Tin foil hat' thinking? Ya never know.....
Whatever it takes to get these stupid things from getting crammed down our throats whether wanted or not.
Whatever it takes to get these stupid things from getting crammed down our throats whether wanted or not.
I'm wondering if the MFGS will use the dropped FED EV mandate as a way to further cut back EV production.

My point being if ya read any stories about this stuff the Mfgs. are 'speaking out of both sides of their mouths' on this.

One minute they say they are 'continuing to promote EV production and make advancements' - then on the flip side they say they are cutting back production and don't know if they can 'make EVs available to to the 'middle class' and to the larger part of the market who wants them' (and other similar things).

It's like they are propping themselves up for 'something' they seem to think is 'inevitable' but wan't to make sure they have a 'tactical retreat' out of it.
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Very smooth - come up with a couple 'excuses' the fire could not be put out.

EV mfgs will announce they will have to 'suspend' EV production due to the lack of availability of batteries.

Fast forward and EV mfgs. announce they will be 'halting' EV production indefinitely due to the 'Continuing lack of batteries and no information on future availability'

Mfgs. take the 'low road', get a 'free pass', and 'quietly' back out of EV production and breath a 'sigh of relief'....

Conspiracy theory? 'Tin foil hat' thinking? Ya never know.....
I have to laugh at this. California seems to be going toward a, not really so funny, joke. More and more every week.
Get your popcorn and watch this!

DAMN good thing Sliden-Biden is no longer in office.
I'm wondering if the MFGS will use the dropped FED EV mandate as a way to further cut back EV production.

My point being if ya read any stories about this stuff the Mfgs. are 'speaking out of both sides of their mouths' on this.

One minute they say they are 'continuing to promote EV production and make advancements' - then on the flip side they say they are cutting back production and don't know if they can 'make EVs available to to the 'middle class' and to the larger part of the market who wants them' (and other similar things).

It's like they are propping themselves up for 'something' they seem to think is 'inevitable' but wan't to make sure they have a 'tactical retreat' out of it.
It's also because legacy automakers are completely failing to make decent EVs. Worldwide, the companies that are "successful", however you want to measure that, are tech companies new to the car mfgr game. Tesla, Rivian, Lucid in the states, and a couple others from China are dominating the EV market worldwide. They are making clean sheet designs which work, rather than trying to convert an existing ICE platform to EV which mostly fails.
A fair amount of EV adoption is failing because of infrastructure, or rather lack thereof. Tesla is the only company that figured that out ahead of time amd has their own network. Electrify America, chargepoint, etc is hot garbage compared to the Tesla network.
Then there are ALOT of media putting out disingenuous stories which alot of people believe. Some of which can be seen within this thread.

For the record, I do have a Model 3 performance which I daily drive to the tune of 22k mi/yr. It cost me about $75/mo in electricity for that milage.
The last big trip I took in it, 3500mi, cost me the same as if I had a car that averaged 35mpg, and if fuel cost about $2.50/gal. (So all supercharging stops which does cost significantly more than home. $0.32-42/kw vs home at $0.08/kw)

I've never had it in the shop. Can't say that of my wife's BMW x3, or my '08 Jeep GC diesel over the same milage.

Most model3 and model Y are very reliable, especially if they've been made in the past 5 yrs.
Elon's, "Sheet Metal Special" beats a 911.... While towing one. :eek:
"Zieg Heil in der Fuer's Face :s0139:

That's really cute, what happens after a single mile of this? I'd bet the slowest ICE car on planet earth would make a joke of this battery operated sheet metal "wonder". Who cares about a whiz bang if they win a short race but don't have enough charge to make it home. EV people really suck about truths, they claim faster than this or more torque than that, only to leave out the duration they are really capable of. These are still just rich people toys and not viable for almost all normal Americans. Normal meaning not a true "townie"
The only people (I am guessing) who are buying these are liberal, pro EV proponents and are only doing so to create an illusion in their heads they are quasi - outdoors people and are attempting to convince themselves an EV 'truck' somehow puts them into a 'new' environment, a 'clean' way to drive outdoors.

No dust, no rocks, no 'off roading' per se - just something to get them to the bullfrog elimination project down at the river, or what ever other idealistic Earth Muffin program they come up with.
And then there's S U B A R U ......

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