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Would not surprise me at all. That last big wind storm FEMA did everything they could to stop him from providing internet to help those victims. The hard blue people seem to have a severe mental disorder.
Nah, just more drama from Musk

Musk makes EV vehicles mainstream
I don't see EVs as mainstream.

They are NOT being accepted by the larger % of society and are proving to be impractical, expensive, difficult to own and operate and are essentially nothing more than a worthless 'addition' to the already overpopulated, pro - environmental concerns the libs make up or already have.
Nah, just more drama from Musk

One of the deep blue people I work with tells me the same thing. EVERYTHING in the news that looked bad for Joe was fake news. He told me FEMA was NOT using money to house illegals too and that Elon never tried to help. :s0092:
Hey they live in their own little world where the sky is not blue. :s0140:
I don't see EVs as mainstream.

They are NOT being accepted by the larger % of society and are proving to be impractical, expensive, difficult to own and operate and are essentially nothing more than a worthless 'addition' to the already overpopulated, pro - environmental concerns the libs make up or already have.
They are mainstream in the EV market.
Yes thats not saying they are accepted by the larger % of society or even practical. But thats another subject. FWIW I dont support EV mandates, let society decide if EVs are better for them.
IDK if the starlink/cybertruck rejection story is true or just misinformation but I have read California has rejected Musks ventures due simply to his political opinions....

Never bother to try to follow links from those kook places as its time I can't get back. They remind me of the guy in Baghdad that day saying US troops were not there as you could see them behind him. They are like watching the Madcow show or the view.
Musk makes EV vehicles mainstream but because he supports Trump the left wants to cancel culture him and his EVs
Classic example of how heads of commercial businesses should keep their traps shut and stick to selling product.

When Henry Ford went on his anti-Semitic binge, he lost not a few Jewish customers. I had a Jewish neighbor who wouldn't touch a Ford product, decades later. The word gets around.

Sanctions and boycotts against tyrannical nations and regimes, I can get behind. But selling retail, I never let my personal prejudices and politics get in the way of money.
They are mainstream in the EV market.
Yes thats not saying they are accepted by the larger % of society or even practical. But thats another subject. FWIW I dont support EV mandates, let society decide if EVs are better for them.
I have LONG said the market should decide. If people want stuff they will buy it. When Gov gets involved and picks winners and losers it goes like everything they touch.
IDK if the starlink/cybertruck rejection story is true or just misinformation but I have read California has rejected Musks ventures due simply to his political opinions....

But the goodwill evaporated after commissioners raised concerns about Musk's political rhetoric, slammed the company's labor record and questioned DOD's contention that the launches should benefit from military permitting exemptions even if military payloads aren't being carried.

In the immortal words of Meatloaf, two out of three ain't bad
But the goodwill evaporated after commissioners raised concerns about Musk's political rhetoric, slammed the company's labor record and questioned DOD's contention that the launches should benefit from military permitting exemptions even if military payloads aren't being carried.

In the immortal words of Meatloaf, two out of three ain't bad
The political bias should have never been a part of it so we will never know how Musk would have worked the other things out.
The political bias should have never been a part of it so we will never know how Musk would have worked the other things out.
We know he fired a bunch of 'Mericans! and replaced them with H1B visa workers, and what's to "work out" about wanting across the board permitting exemptions?
All this talk about the Cubertruck, EVERYONE knows that the Rivian is the manliest Dem truck out there. Owning one of those things gets these guys lots of cred on Capitol Hill in Seattle!
We know he fired a bunch of 'Mericans! and replaced them with H1B visa workers, and what's to "work out" about wanting across the board permitting exemptions?
So? And it doesn't change a thing about California rejecting business because of someones political view. Thats not right.
So? And it doesn't change a thing about California rejecting business because of someones political view. Thats not right.
It does when you DESPERATELY want to find a way to say the voters in CA did not do this to themselves. People who live in CA and keep asking for more of this have a book of excuses for why its not their fault.
Have you stood next to one? I thought it looked a lot smaller than I expected.
I saw my one and only just a couple weeks ago in LaPine of all places.

I had a hard time looking at it. It appeared to be a cross between something 'futuristic' that had NOT been designed yet - and something out of a cheap Sci - Fi movie.

While I am a FAN of retro-futuristic Sci Fi I could NOT equate it to anything I had seen previously.

Quite frankly, it looked like something somebody with too much time and scrap sheet metal on their hands threw together.
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