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I see the cyber truck as the same as the H2 hummers.

Everyone wants to have that new innovative "looking" vehicle but when the craze stops so do the vehicles.

I remember a few months ago seeing an H2 and thinking, I wonder what happened to all of the ones I used to see on the road…
Pardon the subject drift, but the H2 may be somewhat similar to a Hummer in appearance, the two share almost nothing else in common. Like many cars in the past that were made to look fast but weren't.

In science, the suffix "-oid" refers to something that resembles something else. A small planet is a planetoid, certain dim "stars" are asteroids, something round may be a spheroid, etc. So, I refer to the H2 as the Hummeroid.
Parden the oversimplification here but when I was selling cars in the early 1980's we dealt with this problem all the time. We were constantly selling Dodge cars and trucks that the customer didn't need, didn't want and couldn't afford! When folks came back to "question" their purchase, we just told them that "you're never buried in a diamond"! In other words, If you liked it once, you'll like it again, especially when you get closer to having some equity. Which in this fellas case, may be a while.
I think the Cybertruck is nothing but a joke that ol' Elon has played on the rest of us. I'll bet he laughs his bubblegum off every time somebody buys one.
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As others mentioned the truck is NOT the problem, nor is the guy who came out with it. The old adage a fool and his money plays out forever. When I see the price MANY new cars sell for now I am shocked. Yet they are still selling. 100K is not longer a shocking amount to pay for a car. I could find many cars around me in this price range. I could also of course go out and buy one. The day I signed the contract promising to pay and drove off I could NOT sell that car for anything close to what I just asked someone else to pay. Once again personal responsibility is a dirty word. Someone wants someone else to bail them out because they could not control their "I want" response. By all means let the guy walk away. The people who he asked to loan him the money will sell the car at auction. They will then come after him for what it owed. If will screw his credit good but, it will not stop him from financing his next "I WANT".
The old adage a fool and his money plays out forever.
I am not going to say he is a 'fool' but a friend of mine is having some problems with his relatively late model 5th wheel trailer I am helping him with.

Over a few brewskis the other day I 'suggested' to him he might want to consider selling it and if still in need of (or still interested) in an RV to get something smaller and more practical.

He told me probably would consider this but that he was '$25K upside down with it'.
3. Okay, I will ask rhetorical questions here. He must've liked the car when he bought it, right? (Maybe it was that he liked the idea of making a killing on resale). So now that he's sunk $100K into this thing, why doesn't he like it anymore? (Maybe because he can't make the fast profit that he thought he could as others before him had). So now he doesn't like the car because it has depreciated like any other new car? Or because now he actually has to pay for what he signed up for?
Ive seen a bumper sticker on a Tesla that said something along the lines of buying electric before they knew Musk was a Trump supporter.
Not saying thats what this guy is going thru. Sounds more like bad financial choices coveting the latest trendy car, let alone buying brand new and expecting to get out of it without a loss.

FWIW, I have no problems with Musk, Tesla, how much they sell them for. Though I think the Cybertruck is ugly and not a real truck, its more like a modern day cyber el camino, but to each their own.
. It was a highly promoted vehicle intended to sell a lot in the short term, to a narrow, naive market, make the money and run
There is a hardcore fan base for Tesla anything. Tons of fan websites. You'll never get them to admit to any downside of Tesla. Elon Musk brainwashing.

I wonder about the basic engineering soundness of Tesla vehicles. Conventional north American auto manufacturers take years to develop product systems. Musk always thinks he can skip over traditional methods and forge ahead without constraints. I think everything about Musk is short term. He bounces around from one project and cause to the next.
Cybertruck is ugly and not a real truck, its more like a modern day cyber el camino, but to each their own.
The only people (I am guessing) who are buying these are liberal, pro EV proponents and are only doing so to create an illusion in their heads they are quasi - outdoors people and are attempting to convince themselves an EV 'truck' somehow puts them into a 'new' environment, a 'clean' way to drive outdoors.

No dust, no rocks, no 'off roading' per se - just something to get them to the bullfrog elimination project down at the river, or what ever other idealistic Earth Muffin program they come up with.
Ive seen a bumper sticker on a Tesla that said something along the lines of buying electric before they knew Musk was a Trump supporter.
I bet this is the one you saw, not saying there aren't ones that specifically reference Trump, just that I have never seen one
i bought it before i knew he was crazy.jpg
I bet this is the one you saw, not saying there aren't ones that specifically reference Trump, just that I have never seen one
So I get it now. EV ownership is ONLY part of a political way of thinking - NOT anything environmental at all.

As long as they THINK the Mfg. OF the EV is liberal, dem etc. its OK to own one but discover the Mfg. might be conservative and now its NOT acceptable to own one - regardless of how you think or believe?

Man, talk about 'indoctrinated' , 'drinking the kool aid' etc. It's worse than I ever imagined.
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So I get it now. EV ownership is ONLY part of a political way of thinking - NOT anything environmental at all.

As long as they THINK the Mfg. the the EV is liberal, dem etc. its OK to own one but discover the Mfg. might be conservative and now its NOT acceptable to own one - regardless of how you think or believe?

Man, talk about 'indoctrinated' , 'drinking the kool aid' etc. It's worse than I ever imagined.
lol no. Musk is a nut job, his political leanings are only a small part of that
I am not going to say he is a 'fool' but a friend of mine is having some problems with his relatively late model 5th wheel trailer I am helping him with.

Over a few brewskis the other day I 'suggested' to him he might want to consider selling it and if still in need of (or still interested) in an RV to get something smaller and more practical.

He told me probably would consider this but that he was '$25K upside down with it'.
We had looked at some of those a few times. Then we figured how much we would use it and we controlled ourselves and did not buy one. As with ANYTHING if people want to ask someone else to pay for some item so they can have it now? The person who asks needs to make sure they can handle to payments to the person they asked to loan them the money. Every vehicle I have done this with I also bought a service contract that would cover the time it would take me to pay the loan. That way if the thing I wanted broke down while I was making payments it would be fixed. To me it was worth the extra cost. Bottom line is again is choices. If your buddy wants out of the thing is he willing to just take the loss and sell it for what he owes? Or sell it for as much as he can get and eat the rest? Hopefully it will be a learning lesson. Some learn, many NEVER do. :s0092:
There is a hardcore fan base for Tesla anything. Tons of fan websites. You'll never get them to admit to any downside of Tesla. Elon Musk brainwashing.

I wonder about the basic engineering soundness of Tesla vehicles. Conventional north American auto manufacturers take years to develop product systems. Musk always thinks he can skip over traditional methods and forge ahead without constraints. I think everything about Musk is short term. He bounces around from one project and cause to the next.
Again adults need to make adult choices. No one put a gun to their head and made them buy these cars. People were BEGGING for this tech and Elon came along and gave them what they were begging for. Now some of them cry. :s0092:
So I get it now. EV ownership is ONLY part of a political way of thinking - NOT anything environmental at all.

As long as they THINK the Mfg. the the EV is liberal, dem etc. its OK to own one but discover the Mfg. might be conservative and now its NOT acceptable to own one - regardless of how you think or believe?

Man, talk about 'indoctrinated' , 'drinking the kool aid' etc. It's worse than I ever imagined.
As I have said many times look at the last election. A TON of people were badly damaged by it. A LOT of them are gun owners who wanted knee pads to win and are still saying we would have been better off if she had won. It baffles me no end.
So I get it now. EV ownership is ONLY part of a political way of thinking - NOT anything environmental at all.

As long as they THINK the Mfg. the the EV is liberal, dem etc. its OK to own one but discover the Mfg. might be conservative and now its NOT acceptable to own one - regardless of how you think or believe?

Man, talk about 'indoctrinated' , 'drinking the kool aid' etc. It's worse than I ever imagined.
Yes, the level of hypocrisy on the left is unreal. Musk makes EV vehicles mainstream but because he supports Trump the left wants to cancel culture him and his EVs. Ive been hearing reports he sent starlinks and cybertrucks to the LA fires to help provide free internet during this disaster and california has ordered their teams not to use them. I have only heard but not confirmed this, but.. it wouldnt surprise me.
Yes, the level of hypocrisy on the left is unreal. Musk makes EV vehicles mainstream but because he supports Trump the left wants to cancel culture him and his EVs. Ive been hearing reports he sent starlinks and cybertrucks to the LA fires to help provide free internet during this disaster and california has ordered their teams not to use them. I have only heard but not confirmed this, but.. it wouldnt surprise me.
Would not surprise me at all. That last big wind storm FEMA did everything they could to stop him from providing internet to help those victims. The hard blue people seem to have a severe mental disorder.

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