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Quantico Tactical might, but I'm reluctant to mention them after the dirty they did a fellow member's wife. I *WAS* a loyal customer right up 'til they did that... but not one dime ever again until they make right.
I just bought one from MKR TACTICAL SOLUTIONS LLC in Gig Harbor. I didn't even know the store existed until a lady friend of mine pointed them out. You can't really see their store from the street. It is back in a mini-mall.
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It's getting to that where gun shops are getting smaller and a low profile lol at least that's how it seems.
But not up here SKAGIT ARMS HAS A HUGE STORE accully two stores right off the freeway lol but I don't think they deal in suppreser .
And it's more than 20 miles from Tacoma .
It seems the smaller stores are the one dealing in stuff like that .there are two up this way that I know of ONLY HITS COUNT in Mt Vernon.
And SPARTAN ARMS in Bellingham

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