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something new every time I come back to this forum. :(

short brief what 114 is?
Permit to purchase, magazine limit of ten, and I can't remember if they lumped in the public prohibition on concealed carry, but I think they did.
I don't know about Washington, but Oregon already goes after income tax revenue if you A) have an Oregon license but work in another state B) have an Oregon residence but are employed anywhere in the US.

I was on active duty in 68 thru 70 on the east coast and on a ship overseas. Got back to Oregon and they came after my earnings (a whole 2500 dollars). I told them that the money earned was NOT earned in the state and they told me that as long as I had a residence here, it didn't matter.

Luckly, the standard deduction for military pay was 3300 dollars or I would have had to pay.

Oregon has been following California's lead on things for a while now. For example, the California Air Resources Board rulings.
We don't have an income tax here yet. Man have they been chomping at the bit to put one in though. Assuming the rubes here keep voting blue we will end up with one. What I fully expect them to do is promise to cut way back on the sales tax to put in the income tax. Then of course soon after they will jack up both taxes. The people here who voted for it will then blame people who had nothing to do with it. :s0092:
I don't know about Washington, but Oregon already goes after income tax revenue if you A) have an Oregon license but work in another state B) have an Oregon residence but are employed anywhere in the US.

I was on active duty in 68 thru 70 on the east coast and on a ship overseas. Got back to Oregon and they came after my earnings (a whole 2500 dollars). I told them that the money earned was NOT earned in the state and they told me that as long as I had a residence here, it didn't matter.

Luckly, the standard deduction for military pay was 3300 dollars or I would have had to pay.

Oregon has been following California's lead on things for a while now. For example, the California Air Resources Board rulings.
I knew a guy that lived in California for 10 years 30 years ago. They sent him a tax bill for $40,,000 because he had had a baton license for 5 years down there, even though he had been in Oregon for the last 30 years.
I knew a guy that lived in California for 10 years 30 years ago. They sent him a tax bill for $40,,000 because he had had a baton license for 5 years down there, even though he had been in Oregon for the last 30 years.
A year after I moved from Potland, they sent me the art tax bill to my address in Hawaii. Someone typed in "Hawaii" and seemed to think that someone living in Hawaii had to pay their stupid tax.
A year after I moved from Potland, they sent me the art tax bill to my address in Hawaii. Someone typed in "Hawaii" and seemed to think that someone living in Hawaii had to pay their stupid tax.
But for the thirty years you didn't even live in Oregon? (example in his case)
Have you ever heard, "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. Around it goes more like this. "What happens in CA, happens in WA, and what happens in WA happens in OR.

The entire west coast is populated by a bunch of gun grabbers.
Washington and Oregon are living on borrowed time.

So is Nevada and maybe Idaho but they're not as far along, and that's another story.

Anyway, it doesn't matter who wins as President. Washington and Oregon state governments are both full of corrupt Marxist statists. It's only a short matter of time before both states are fully Californicated. Any gain from moving will likely be very short lived. I would not be basing a move on the current gun laws in these two states...because as I said, any positives are likely going to be short lived.

Pick you state based on which will give you and your family the best quality of life overall. Remember too that governments generally tie your drivers license to your state of residence and that may have a big impact on your tax situation. Which is a bigger factor (IMO) than the gun laws in two states that are both headed south very quickly (in that respect).

California, btw, is starting to get real nasty about taxes and going after people for every last penny if they can tie them, in any way, to this state. It's likely only a matter of time before Oregon and Washington start adopting these tactics like they do the California gun laws. Like, "Oh, you have an Oregon drivers license? That means you have residency here, even though you "claim" to live in Washington, so we're going to hit you for state income tax."

Do also note that most of the gun B.S. that Washington and Oregon are trying to implement, already have court cases in progress, initiated in California...assault weapons bans, magazine capacity limits, waiting periods, etc., all have cases that are several years along. One of the best things you can do is to monitor these court cases and make financial contributions to the 2A entities that are fighting these case, as you are able. Winning these cases are your absolute best chance of maintaining and restoring your gun rights in WA and OR. You MUST pay attention on what is going on in CA and help fight the fight where you can. Because California is the origin of the disease...and it WILL and DOES spread from there.
Those are all great facts thank you for your input I really appreciate your time to take and write this. I work in Oregon and I pay taxes in Oregon and have a Washington driver's license so I do get a little kickback of that money because I'm only a part-time resident in the state while I work here. But I am seeking a job back in Washington but I'll still live part-time with my girlfriend in Oregon so the Oregon state tax will not be tied to me any longer so that should save me about $3,500 to $4,800 a year.

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