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Ok i hold a Wa drivers license but work in Oregon and could move here. , and the gun laws suck here in WA but the hunting way easier to get and hunt i feel here in Washington. Take the hunting away from the equation and based off buying or selling guns. Based on historical blue voting in Oregon, if Harris gets elected do you feel that the gun rights in Oregon will follow suit and get incredibly stupid and make it much harder to purchase and own firearms after the elections? Was considering moving the licensing over here to Oregon.
Gun laws are about to get worse than Washington when ip114 goes live next week.

Oregon: Hold my beer.....
Between Washington, California and Oregon there is a competition to get the most gold star stickers in the special ed class. Luckily Idaho and Montana are not too far to drive for necessities.
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Basically my question is, the state of Oregon's government and the positions they have stood on trying to take 30 round magazines away and the semi-automatic weapons away but they failed on both of those. Washington did not. If Harris gets elected do you think Oregon's government is going to follow suit and push harder to follow her agenda to ban all of our pew pews. So basically on my behalf if I were be moving from Washington transferring over to Oregon and the same thing happens to Oregon that I wasted my time for nothing lol
Gun laws are about to get worse than Washington when ip114 goes live next week.

Oregon: Hold my beer.....
Where did you find that it takes effect next week? I read through about 17 articles granted most of them were old but some of them were from a few weeks ago and I didn't see anything where it said it was taking place. I believe you but I'm just trying to find out for myself
Where did you find that it takes effect next week? I read through about 17 articles granted most of them were old but some of them were from a few weeks ago and I didn't see anything where it said it was taking place. I believe you but I'm just trying to find out for myself
Nothing. Plan for the wurst, hope for the best.
What OR and WA are doing to gun rights has ZERO to do with who POTUS is. We are talking state laws here not federal. The people in WA and OR vote, or in many cases refused to vote, and they end up with what they ask for. If more fed laws get passed it will have nothing to do with the state laws there. Gun owners in large percentages have long sat out elections and they are paying the price. While this makes a lot of gun owners angry and they pretend this is not what is happening facts are still facts. If more gun owners will not step up and vote well? We will keep losing.
Washington and Oregon are living on borrowed time.

So is Nevada and maybe Idaho but they're not as far along, and that's another story.

Anyway, it doesn't matter who wins as President. Washington and Oregon state governments are both full of corrupt Marxist statists. It's only a short matter of time before both states are fully Californicated. Any gain from moving will likely be very short lived. I would not be basing a move on the current gun laws in these two states...because as I said, any positives are likely going to be short lived.

Pick you state based on which will give you and your family the best quality of life overall. Remember too that governments generally tie your drivers license to your state of residence and that may have a big impact on your tax situation. Which is a bigger factor (IMO) than the gun laws in two states that are both headed south very quickly (in that respect).

California, btw, is starting to get real nasty about taxes and going after people for every last penny if they can tie them, in any way, to this state. It's likely only a matter of time before Oregon and Washington start adopting these tactics like they do the California gun laws. Like, "Oh, you have an Oregon drivers license? That means you have residency here, even though you "claim" to live in Washington, so we're going to hit you for state income tax."

Do also note that most of the gun B.S. that Washington and Oregon are trying to implement, already have court cases in progress, initiated in California...assault weapons bans, magazine capacity limits, waiting periods, etc., all have cases that are several years along. One of the best things you can do is to monitor these court cases and make financial contributions to the 2A entities that are fighting these case, as you are able. Winning these cases are your absolute best chance of maintaining and restoring your gun rights in WA and OR. You MUST pay attention on what is going on in CA and help fight the fight where you can. Because California is the origin of the disease...and it WILL and DOES spread from there.
Donmorgan66 Oregon and Washington are going to have similar crappy gun laws. Like above posters are saying California , Washington and Oregon are all trying to one up each other on taking away gun rights. Moving to any of these states are going to have issues with their gun rights. It's essentially a draw.

The further east in Oregon and Washington that you move you will have less law enforcement that are interested in messing with you because of your firearms but there is a chance that could change too.

The only real way to solve your problem would be to move to a more gun friendly or conservative state. I have lived in Oregon my entire life and resent the fact a bunch of stupid liberal and lazy people have turned a state I wanted to stay in into a mess.
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It's real tough to take you serious when you refer to them as 'pew pews'. Makes you sound like a Fed plant trying to blend in with us good ol' boys.
It started with Facebook deleting and banning users over the use of terms like "guns, firearms, AR15s, kill, suicide, porn, murder, rape, sexual, sex, " and several others I don't remember.

Edit. Tiktok, Instagram and possibly Youtube also censors/remove these words. YT is worse in that their "auto captions" won't even show the words considered "bad" even if the person on video says them.
Back on subject. Only my elderly mom living here is why we haven't moved out of Oregon yet. If my daughter were not deaf, I wouldn't have a problem moving to Wyoming, North Carolina (Fayetteville specifically), Idaho, or Montana... but she's deaf, and autistic so that colors my options towards Colorado, Texas, perhaps Indiana.. maybe Montana if the deaf community there is decent.
If Congress would (fat chance hahaha) repeal all Federal level gun control laws, abolish ATF, remove NICS, reorganize FBI, and EOs reversed/voided related to import bans.... and then SCOTUS and Fed courts suddenly start saying State level gun control laws are in conflict with 2A, making all 10 Amendments unrestricted, unlimited to citizens, only barring governments at State and Fed level from violating/infringing on any of the Rights... I'd say we would be better off overall.
What OR and WA are doing to gun rights has ZERO to do with who POTUS is.
I would amend that to "very little impact".
The results of the state elections will be the determining factor.
Along those lines, I sadly do not think much will change; i.e., Oregon won't get pro-2A candidates elected where it counts, and the push will continue for gun control laws/etc.
California, btw, is starting to get real nasty about taxes and going after people for every last penny if they can tie them, in any way, to this state. It's likely only a matter of time before Oregon and Washington start adopting these tactics like they do the California gun laws. Like, "Oh, you have an Oregon drivers license? That means you have residency here, even though you "claim" to live in Washington, so we're going to hit you for state income tax.
I don't know about Washington, but Oregon already goes after income tax revenue if you A) have an Oregon license but work in another state B) have an Oregon residence but are employed anywhere in the US.

I was on active duty in 68 thru 70 on the east coast and on a ship overseas. Got back to Oregon and they came after my earnings (a whole 2500 dollars). I told them that the money earned was NOT earned in the state and they told me that as long as I had a residence here, it didn't matter.

Luckly, the standard deduction for military pay was 3300 dollars or I would have had to pay.

Oregon has been following California's lead on things for a while now. For example, the California Air Resources Board rulings.

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