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I don't think Ruger makes the best of anything. I think Ruger makes a quality product that will last a lifetime of good service. I also believe that Ruger is very innovative. I love Ruger #1s. I currently have 5 and the collection is growing. But I know there's better Falling Blocks. A Dakota when they were in Business made a better rifle. The Dakota was over twice what a Rugerc#1 cost. Ruger is still here and they brought back to life the falling block rifle in the 60s. The only type of gun that Ruger hasn't made I think is a good pump shotgun. Give them time.
MANY gun manufacturers have at one time or another made this mistake. They put someone in the top spot to "fix" the place up and they make a disaster. So often when some manufacturer wants to "streamline", ie make more profit, the first thing they skimp on is Quality Control. This always leads to the same outcome. Too many lemons make their way into the market. Then once they piss off enough people and the company is in trouble the one who made the mess up and leaves to go do the same to someone else.
Right the screw everything up and move on pattern. The real pros at it time it so the schitt hits the fan after they leave to a new position. Robert Jackal describes it pretty well in Moral Mazes.
Remington for their early pump actions. The machining and fit is awesome. I doubt a gun mfg could make some of the early Remingtons these days. Well they could, but at what cost.

And then, Shiloh Sharps, Big Timber Montana.,their rifles are phenomenal.,made the old way.,
And then, Shiloh Sharps, Big Timber Montana.,their rifles are phenomenal.,made the old way.,
I've got on of those and it's crazy how much they cost now! I say that about everything these days though so I must be getting old. It is a great gun!

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If I could only buy from one manufacturer it would without a doubt be Ruger. Ruger would cover all the bases and they are well made.
I would have to agree with this. I just don't understand why they don't produce a repeating shotgun. What a void in their offerings. I mean, they make a GLOCK for Pete's sake!
And no stupid looking polychoke.
A friend had a shotgun with that thing on the end. As a kid I thought it was cool, but this was before screw in choke tubes.
I have no idea of they work, or not. I know the Browning BOSS works, but I have no interest in that kind of crap on the muzzle of my gun.
A friend had a shotgun with that thing on the end. As a kid I thought it was cool, but this was before screw in choke tubes.
I have no idea of they work, or not. I know the Browning BOSS works, but I have no interest in that kind of crap on the muzzle of my gun.
The adjustable chokes were a GREAT thing in their early days. Had a couple 500's that I had one put on LONG ago. When money was tight I wanted a shotty for home and hunting. Take a cheap 500, chop the tube to 18 and add the choke. For Quail it made a GREAT little gun. The shots were normally feet not yards. The short tube and open choke worked wonders. Around home, same gun with plug removed and different ammo. When I wanted to go for Dove tighten down the choke again great they did of course look "clunky" but it made a cheap way to make a shotty that would work for everything. Now days the screw in choke systems look FAR nicer of course. For many can of course just buy another barrel now too that can swap out. I have not seen an adjustable choke in one hell of a long time now. Assuming its due to the much nicer looking screw in chokes and replacement barrels.
Walther, despite only owning one (an OSP, which is absurdly good, mine as the early hair trigger too at 4oz currently). My Walam 48 is a PP copy, although it would be better in 32... it's far too snappy in 380.

But, my Baby Browning, which I'm obsessed with, is just a walther model 9 Saive added some Browning-esque touches to. Improvements in my book, but you have to acknowledge the original.

I've heard very good things about the model 2/5 too, smallest hammer fired 25 autoloader at the time. Plus all the common stuff, and although I prefer the classics I like the idea of the DA/SA style triggers on their current striker lineup.
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