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Wait wut? Youve had both plus an M&P... we should be asking you which one youd pick.

Heres a handgunhero comparison of the two.
Just sold my XMacro just really needed some cash. I kept my M&P. Love both of them. And yes I've had a Gen5 19. It was a love-hate relationship with the 19. I couldn't shoot it well and then after I got rid of it I took a formal training class and found out. Yes I can shoot the 19.
Just sold my XMacro just really needed some cash. I kept my M&P. Love both of them. And yes I've had a Gen5 19. It was a love-hate relationship with the 19. I couldn't shoot it well and then after I got rid of it I took a formal training class and found out. Yes I can shoot the 19.
The first time I fired a Glock I hated the trigger. Once I learned how to shoot them they do well. Glock triggers are sort of an odd child so to speak. There are some very simple things you can do to make them break lighter and clean...
The first time I fired a Glock I hated the trigger. Once I learned how to shoot them they do well. Glock triggers are sort of an odd child so to speak. There are some very simple things you can do to make them break lighter and clean...
When I took my class, I was explaining the instructor that I just cannot shoot a 19 to save my life. He said why not I said I don't know it doesn't like me or I don't like it. He brought out his Gen4 and he said here I'll prove to you, that you can shoot a 19. He loaded it up told me a few things he said OK now prove to me you can't shoot it, I was wrong.
When I took my class, I was explaining the instructor that I just cannot shoot a 19 to save my life. He said why not I said I don't know it doesn't like me or I don't like it. He brought out his Gen4 and he said here I'll prove to you, that you can shoot a 19. He loaded it up told me a few things he said OK now prove to me you can't shoot it, I was wrong.
Glock triggers are very common to modify, most mod theirs.
Glock triggers are very common to modify, most mod theirs.
The one I shot of the instructors was bone stock. It was a Gen4. But he did tell me he was an admitted trigger snob, and he upgrades all his triggers. He hadn't on that one because he let students shoot it.
Glock triggers are very common to modify, most mod theirs.
True. I don't have very many truly stock Glock triggers. Off the top of my head, the only ones that are untouched are the 17L and 21. In fact, I just modified the 47 which still has the factory grease on it. Sigh. Perfection?
The one I shot of the instructors was bone stock. It was a Gen4. But he did tell me he was an admitted trigger snob, and he upgrades all his triggers. He hadn't on that one because he let students shoot it.
My opinion, and it's definitely subjective, is the Gen 4 has the best trigger out of the box. Gen 3 is hot garbage and Gen 5 brings nothing extra to the table.
The one I shot of the instructors was bone stock. It was a Gen4. But he did tell me he was an admitted trigger snob, and he upgrades all his triggers. He hadn't on that one because he let students shoot it.
Well they can be shot well once adjusted to them but stock Glock triggers do have a pretty bad reputation.
Well they can be shot well once adjusted to them but stock Glock triggers do have a pretty bad reputation.
I have never had a problem with the trigger pull itself on any of the Glocks I've owned. But then, I prefer the DA pull on my Berettas over any thing else. I also prefer the DA pull on my Python versus the single action. For me, if I shoot the gun a bit, it's not long until I feel comfortable with just about anything.
When I took my class, I was explaining the instructor that I just cannot shoot a 19 to save my life. He said why not I said I don't know it doesn't like me or I don't like it. He brought out his Gen4 and he said here I'll prove to you, that you can shoot a 19. He loaded it up told me a few things he said OK now prove to me you can't shoot it, I was wrong.
The first Glock I shot was my son in law's 19 and I shot it well.
The 22 I own and I don't get along. I didn't buy it for myself and since I don't care for the gun I haven't actually tried to sort it out. The next time I take it out so my grandson can shoot it, I'll bench it and see what's up with it/me. I am curious to see what the issue is.
The first Glock I shot was my son in law's 19 and I shot it well.
The 22 I own and I don't get along. I didn't buy it for myself and since I don't care for the gun I haven't actually tried to sort it out. The next time I take it out so my grandson can shoot it, I'll bench it and see what's up with it/me. I am curious to see what the issue is.
I had a Gen4 22 and absolutely hated it.
On Glock triggers, I'd back ordered a factory performance trigger for my Gen 4 G-22 but have since offed the 22 and just today got a notice the those triggers are back in stock. I've got one in my Gen 4 G-32 and like it a lot.
The first Glock I shot was my son in law's 19 and I shot it well.
The 22 I own and I don't get along. I didn't buy it for myself and since I don't care for the gun I haven't actually tried to sort it out. The next time I take it out so my grandson can shoot it, I'll bench it and see what's up with it/me. I am curious to see what the issue is.
I loved my XMacro but needed cash. And I knew I'd get more for it than my M&P. I'd love to get another 19.

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