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I live in Medford. I have owned a lot of handguns and a couple rifles. I used to have a Ruger Precision Rifle and i loved shootinf it at 100 yards and 600 yards. I recently sold it and got an AR10 in 6.5 creedmoor. I'm always looking for new areas to shoot, whether on BLM land, a range, or private property outside of city limits. Just seeing if anyone wants to go shoot sometime. I want to get into long range (over 600 yards) shooting but I dont know where to shoot that far locally. For now since my rifle is new to me , 100 yards or thereabouts is fine .
really hard to get that distance around Jackson other than shooting cross canyon or somewhere in soda mt. country. I have ran all over Jackson with topo and vegetation maps looking for 500+ that is safe, public and treeless . Really not existent unless you want to shoot cross draws and canyons.
really hard to get that distance around Jackson other than shooting cross canyon or somewhere in soda mt. country. I have ran all over Jackson with topo and vegetation maps looking for 500+ that is safe, public and treeless . Really not existent unless you want to shoot cross draws and canyons.

Thanks! What about outside Jackson county? What's the closest area that you know of?
I was told by the ro's over on thunder road 600y range that they were working on getting the old 1000 yard shot back . The old 1000 yard line is back by highway 140 . Problem is the county has a road now between the line and the target hoists but they said they were going to work with the county to shut it down for shooting here and there . One day last spring I saw guys under a portable shack real close to 140, when I went by they were facing the hoists with rifles and a bench so I assumed they at least got it done for that day .
I don't know of over a 600 yard shot without going into the woods and going across draws . Problem there is usually you have to find a spot you don't mind hiking a target across a canyon . You could find a road that contours a draw but there is always a chance someone comes along and you can't really block logging roads because you want to shoot so ...... it's possible but it depends how bad you want to hunt the spot down , find out land owner and all that . It's just not flat or open enough in Southwest oregon for 1000 yard shooting . The spots that are , are occupied by people. Select spots in open country and that's rare to nonexistent . Get to know the soda mountain wilderness . Cascade/Siskiyou between I5 and the cascade crest and south of highway 66 . The south slopes near the California border opens up and there are tons of rock outcroppings and natural backstops .... cool place to shoot long but still the wondering souls out there .

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