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In Olympia today.
It's going to get rough.

Did someone say Oregon is next?

In an email I just received from the NRA ILA:

Today, January 21st, the Oregon Legislature begins the 2025 legislative session. As in previous years, an onslaught of anti-gun bills have been introduced this year. Gun owners and sportsmen throughout the state must stay actively involved to defend freedom.
Multiple anti-gun bills have already been pre-filed for this session.
SB 429 implements a mandatory 72 hour waiting period, with possible indefinite delays for firearm acquisition.
SB 697 prohibits persons under 21 from possessing firearms, with exceptions for; police, military, single shot rifles, double barrel shotguns, repeating rifles (bolt, lever, pump, straight-pull or revolving action), .22 cal. rifles, muzzleloaders, shotguns with pump, break, or revolving actions, and temporary possession if transferred by a parent or guardian.
SB 698 repeals statewide preemption laws, allowing municipalities to prohibit firearms and limiting affirmative defense for CHL holders.
HB 3075 modifies provisions of Ballot Measure 114, which is currently prohibited from enactment under constitutional challenge.
We know
Did someone say Oregon is next?

In an email I just received from the NRA ILA:

Today, January 21st, the Oregon Legislature begins the 2025 legislative session. As in previous years, an onslaught of anti-gun bills have been introduced this year. Gun owners and sportsmen throughout the state must stay actively involved to defend freedom.
Multiple anti-gun bills have already been pre-filed for this session.
SB 429 implements a mandatory 72 hour waiting period, with possible indefinite delays for firearm acquisition.
SB 697 prohibits persons under 21 from possessing firearms, with exceptions for; police, military, single shot rifles, double barrel shotguns, repeating rifles (bolt, lever, pump, straight-pull or revolving action), .22 cal. rifles, muzzleloaders, shotguns with pump, break, or revolving actions, and temporary possession if transferred by a parent or guardian.
SB 698 repeals statewide preemption laws, allowing municipalities to prohibit firearms and limiting affirmative defense for CHL holders.
HB 3075 modifies provisions of Ballot Measure 114, which is currently prohibited from enactment under constitutional challenge.
We know. What we don't know yet is what will be in the gut and stuff place holders. I suspect it's an AW ban.
We know

We know. What we don't know yet is what will be in the gut and stuff place holders. I suspect it's an AW ban.
Gut and that where some scumbag reintroduces a bill, just to have all the wording scrapped, and replaced with anti-gun crap?
Any politician that does that deserves to be dragged out to the front lawn and set on fire.

That's funny.
But the joke is on us.
I've grown to despise the gun owners I overhear "when did this happen?". I vote, sign petitions and donate when I can to help make sure my children can enjoy the same freedoms I did growing up as it pertains to the second amendment. Sadly, we are seemingly on the losing side of that battle.
I've grown to despise the gun owners I overhear "when did this happen?". I vote, sign petitions and donate when I can to help make sure my children can enjoy the same freedoms I did growing up as it pertains to the second amendment. Sadly, we are seemingly on the losing side of that battle.
It's what makes you so loveable.

not really
I stopped st Gators on the way back and dropped $100 in their donation pot and bought a donation shirt and personally thanked Wally for leading our fight against Turd Ferguson.
I may or may not of bought some other things as well.
This is on top of my regular donations to Second Ammendment Foundation.
We need to fund the fight as well as vote.
I will not be one of the when did this happen people.
This was also the 4th time of meeting up with my LD17 Senator Paul Harris and reminding him evey time I vote with my 2A.
Email them. Meet them. Have your voice heard.
And most importantly donate to an organization fighting them.
I can't tell you what level of Life Member I am with the NRA because it's been a while since I have supported them.
I feel the SAF is a more efficient use of my donations.
You can even stop in and donate with Dan at Spirting Systems who is a Board Menber with SAF and has been fighting for us for a long time.
I hate doing it but it had to be done. If you don't donate you are supporting them.
Yup, you are. Why?
Because they are using our tax dollars to screw us.
We are paying them to attack or Second Ammendment Right.
It was hard for me to swallow that one.
Buts it's a fact.
I hope WA people also noticed that:

CPL holders will be required to do training for CPL renewals, and the trainign must be state approved. So you if think you will continue to have a Shall Issue state, think again.

A concealed pistol license application shall be issued unless the applicant is disqualified for any of the following

(h) He or she has failed to produce a certificate of completion38 from a certified concealed carry firearms safety training program, as39 provided under subsection (5) of this section and section 4 of thisp. 15 HB 11631 act, or proof that the applicant is exempt from the training requirement.
Section (5)(a) The training required for issuance of a license under this25 section must be from a concealed carry firearms safety training26 program certified under section 4 of this act that includes live-fire27 shooting exercises on a firing range that include a demonstration by28 the applicant of the safe handling of, and shooting proficiency with,29 firearms, including a minimum of 50 rounds of ammunition firing30 training at a firing range under the supervision of an instructor.

Section 4: NEW SECTION. Sec. 4. A new section is added to chapter 43.43RCW to read as follows:3334 The Washington state patrol shall establish a program to provide35 certifications for firearms safety training programs that meet the36 requirements of RCW 9.41.070 and 9.41.1132, and to require certified37 firearms safety programs to apply for recertification every five38 years. The Washington state patrol shall develop the form and manner39 of documentation for applicants for permits to purchase firearms top. 10 HB 11631 provide proof of completion of a certified firearms safety training2 program, for concealed pistol license applicants to provide proof of3 completion of a certified concealed carry firearms safety training4 program, and for use as proof of qualifying for an exemption from the5 firearms safety training requirement or concealed carry firearmssafety training requirement.

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