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I have the same stainless model as the OP and had a local gunsmith install a set of Tech Sights (MXT200), which work great. I haven't done any groupings, but when I go out in the woods, it is no problem picking off little pieces of clay pigeon left over on the embankment, although that was only 30 yards. I usually shoot CCI quiets with a suppressor but had similar luck, although slightly different POI, using CB shorts out of a modified 10/22 mag I got off of eBay. It's a fun gun and I plan on using it to help teach my kids to shoot. If you are in the market for a bolt action 22, there are a lot of great choices, but the Ruger American Rimfire would be on my short list.
Still amazes me the accuracy out of the box with this rifle.

Shot sub-thumbnail groups today using CCI Standard ammo at 50 yards.

There is a paper to prove but it's till in the car or I'd post it.
Today I took this ok lady out and fed her some higher quality ammo:

These are all 10 shot groups at 50y.

somebody really liked the Norma.

I have one I got in trade from another NWFA member. Mine has a NIkon Prostaff Rimfire 4 x 32 scope on it. I absolutely love this thing. Mine is not threaded, but that is not a big deal.

Way more accurate than any other .22lr I have shot, though my custom 10/22 comes close. Both eat any and all .22lr ammo I have fed it.

Awesome way to spend an afternoon. Love my Rugers.......
The world is full of kings and queens, who blind your eyes and steal your dreams. It's Heaven and Hell.....
A while back I snagged this rifle because I was looking for a rifle that fit a few qualifications.

1: American made
2: Stainless
3: Bolt action
4: Easy to find magazines
5: Threaded barrel

I found one by Ruger:
Ruger® Ruger American Rimfire® Standard Bolt-Action Rifle Model 8351

I believe I paid $330 out the door at local dealer from internet order.

So I ordered. I picked it up somewhere last fall and have been using it on and off working on accuracy and finding what ammo it likes.

I paired it with a Nikon Prostaff Rimfire 3-9 and Warne rings.
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Working through different ammo types I started running some bulks Federal and Aguila. 25 yards.
View attachment 480030

I've eliminated most ammo with exception of the Aguila. The faster I tend to push the rounds the better the groupings have been getting.

Went out the other day for another test run and shot some CCI stingers (1640fps) and Aguila Super Extra (1250) along with some subsonic by Federal.

The below is 50 yards on a breezy day, suppressed.
View attachment 480031

I picked up some CCI Copper (1850fps) and some more Stingers to see how I can do again with a better rest.
View attachment 480032

So far I have been pleased with this rifle. Very pleased actually, it was one of the reasons I jumped into the suppressor game.

I'll continue to update as I progress with this rifle.
I can't wait to wring this thing out. I read on a forum that adjusting the torque of the action screws will change the POI. What optic are you using?
I can't wait to wring this thing out. I read on a forum that adjusting the torque of the action screws will change the POI. What optic are you using?
Boy, asking a question on a 6 year old post like he just posted it yesterday. The person you are asking isn't even on this site anymore. What the F?

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