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I have a Ruger American Rimfire in 22LR w/tupperware stock that has never been as accurate as I thought it should be. This is an average 10 shot "before" group at 50 yards that I shot last week.


I did some YouTubing and found that putting aluminum ducting tape on the two internal bedding blocks seem to be a pretty popular fix. I am generally not one to try super uber fixes that don't make sense, but this one actually did make sense. So I dug out the aluminum tape, put a layer on the blocks and I'll be an SOB it worked! Two groups from today at 50 yards using CCI AR Tactical ammo. Now I am HAPPY. :s0133:

IMG_20241006_115429186.jpg IMG_20241006_115436928.jpg
Cool, which stock? Any magazine issues with the Boyd's? I've been looking at the Rimfire Hunter, but for now I am good with the tupperware.
It's an AT-One w/ Thumbhole stock. It's been great for me. Heavier than the tupperware so it's become more of a bench gun but it looks nice and very adjustable.

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