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Took my new RIA in 22 TCM out today to scare some ducks away, they add too much to the loading and need to be helped "move along" this time of year. The gun functioned quite well, not as loud as I was expecting as I've heard they are obnoxious. It hit at point of aim but I had a weird occurrence with the factory ammo I purchased with it. A co worker was shooting it and the casing landed near my foot, so I picked it up and saw the primer had blown out. I've had some rifle rounds do this after several loadings and a few 460 S&W Mag do it with virgin brass from the 65k PSI limit but didn't expect this today. Here's a pic of the case. This gun is identical to my RIA 10mm double stack and I got it for jackrabbits and such while raising hell over East with the off road toys. I emailed Armscor (RIA parent company) this morning but still awaiting any response. What do you guys think happened? Bad brass, too much pressure?
The empty primer pocket looks out of spec… deprime a spent case and caliper the ID to compare. I'll bet it's bigger in the missing one.
The empty primer pocket looks out of spec… deprime a spent case and caliper the ID to compare. I'll bet it's bigger in the missing one.
I'll do that after hearing from the factory, hoping they are aware of it and will swap it out for good brass. This stuff ain't cheap and I was planning on reloading it. I have 750 new brass that I picked at the last Albany show but wanted to break her in with factory ammo.
Armscor is the only company that makes 22TCM. RIA came up with the cartridge I think...
They sold a convertible 1911 double stack that was switchable from 9 to 10mm and 22TCM.
I believe Paul Harrell did a video on it.

I have the double stack 1911 that came with 9mm and 22tcm. I am pretty sure there was never a 10mm barrel available for it.

I have about 500 rounds of Armscor 22tcm through mine and I have not had any issues, primers or otherwise, with mine. I have reloaded some of my 22tcm brass and would have noticed a missing primer.

I love how soft of a shooter the 22tcm is... it is pretty darn close to 22lr while besting 5.7x28mm in performance (of course 5.7x28 is a very soft shooter too!).
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I have the double stack 1911 that came with 9mm and 22tcm. I am pretty sure there was never a 10mm barrel available for it.

I have about 500 rounds of Armscor 22tcm through mine and I have not had any issues, primers or otherwise, with mine. I have reloaded some of my 22tcm brass and would have noticed a missing primer.

I love how soft of a shooter the 22tcm is... it is pretty darn close to 22lr while besting 5.7x28mm in performance (of course 5.7x28 is a very soft shooter too!).
I may be converging systems in my brain. . there was something else that did something similar.
I remember now, b y doing a little search..
the FK Bruno did the 9 and 10mm. I really thought the RIA did the same thing. But remembering 4 or 5 years ago guns with obscure chamberings is like a practice in memory match with no matching cards.

RIA absolutely does make a 10mm barrel for it, I have one. Only issue is that it comes with the whole gun. Both the 22TCM and 10mm are virtually identical except for the hole in the barrel.
Update on the ammo issue, slight delay due to the holiday weekend. They are sending me two new boxes of ammo and don't need the old ammo back. Not sure I'll trust it in my gun so may pull them apart and salvage components. Gotta rate RIA/Armscore an A+ for their customer service.
Update on the ammo issue, slight delay due to the holiday weekend. They are sending me two new boxes of ammo and don't need the old ammo back. Not sure I'll trust it in my gun so may pull them apart and salvage components. Gotta rate RIA/Armscore an A+ for their customer service.
Still, maybe pop a primer out and caliper the pockets. It does look a hair bigger on the missing one. It could just be a one-off and the rest of the ammo is fine. If it is off, just toss the bad case. JMO.
It can be awkward to use calipers in a primer pocket. Try seating a new primer, paying attention to the feel. Compare to the other cartridges. Easy, loose, is bad.

Also measure and compare the flash hole. A drill bit usually works for this.

Or, that cartridge may have had a bit more powder and the adjacent one in the production line a bit less. A few powder grains can get hung up in the measure's drop tube.

Its surprising 22TCM didn't get the popularity it deserved. RIA/Armscor should have teamed up with an American or European company to develop it and then charge double. Then dozen of ammo manufacturers would have gotten on board.

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