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Hey guys, just keep buying mags and ammo, all that you can. When the next pandemic happens, and the next time the supply chains go to hell, you can trade one standard capacity mag or one box of ammo for a pickup truck load of toilet paper. I'm serious.

When everybody was holding ammo and toilet paper, I traded a 50 round box of 22 LR ammo for a 36 roll pack of TP. You couldn't;t find 22 LR any place, and if you did it cost ten times what it was actually worth.
Trading bullets for toilet paper - can't decide if that's a Mad Max or a Monty Python type experience!
Is ruling any day now an outcome that was on the table? It seems like the bill was just introduced and there's usually a back and forth with proposed amendments and whatnot before it's voted on as far as I understood (but I am not a legislative expert by any means)
I believe they are expecting that that HB 3075 will pass with certainty. Since HB 3075 includes a retroactive ban on 11+ mags being imported into to the State, PSA may be being proactive. I expect many more retailers will be cutting us off soon. Stock up when and where you can.
I see that we have a bill pending that will repeal M114 and replace it. I've read that it will leave us with a mag ban retroactive to 2022. If this is the case, is there any point in saving my receipts for said mags that I've recently purchased (still legal at this time). And is there any disadvantages to keeping the new spare mags in their original packaging?

I don't plan on selling or trading any of them. Would it look better for me if I opened them all up and ditched the packaging and the receipts? I am running out of storage space and they would condense down better without the packages. If the 10 round limit passes, well I won;t use the standard cap mags outside of my home or the range, and will probably carry a 1911 or revolver for EDC.

If the new bill passes, with mags purchased before the law takes effect be "grandfathered"?.
STOP ASKING FOR PERMISSION!!!!!!! My goodness why are you so quick to give up your rights. It's embarrassing you are even asking this question
STOP ASKING FOR PERMISSION!!!!!!! My goodness why are you so quick to give up your rights. It's embarrassing you are even asking this question
Nobody's giving up anything here. Asking questions on how the anti gunners are going to try to take advantage is not giving up my rights. What's got in your craw, my friend? If I was looking to give up my rights I'd bury my head in the sand and not discuss it. I have receipts for all of my stuff, just in case. And I am continuing to buy mags and will as long as I legally can.
I believe they are expecting that that HB 3075 will pass with certainty. Since HB 3075 includes a retroactive ban on 11+ mags being imported into to the State, PSA may be being proactive. I expect many more retailers will be cutting us off soon. Stock up when and where you can.
Well, what if you bought them in state from a LGS? Hey man, I didn't import it. It was already here in the state when I bought it. Seems to me the importing part happened on the part of the LGS. Perhaps that's why I'm starting to see local gun stores selling guns with ten rounders or stripped of the mags now.

Most everything I looked at at Cabela's recently had ten round mags and the actual standard capacity mags that should have came with the guns, was, 15, 17, 18.etc. A couple of other LGS have new guns with ten rounders as well. Are they just being proactive?
STOP ASKING FOR PERMISSION!!!!!!! My goodness why are you so quick to give up your rights. It's embarrassing you are even asking this question
Apparently the Toasted Marshmallow Vodka has fueled my curiosity so I feel the need to ask, do you think that "doing what you want" can be done without consequences?
Well, what if you bought them in state from a LGS? Hey man, I didn't import it. It was already here in the state when I bought it. Seems to me the importing part happened on the part of the LGS. Perhaps that's why I'm starting to see local gun stores selling guns with ten rounders or stripped of the mags now.

Most everything I looked at at Cabela's recently had ten round mags and the actual standard capacity mags that should have came with the guns, was, 15, 17, 18.etc. A couple of other LGS have new guns with ten rounders as well. Are they just being proactive?
Cabelas is an early adopter of bans.
Late to this party, but a law that criminalizes something you did prior to the law being enacted is Unconstitutional as an Ex Post Facto law. The retroactive ban would seem to be a ticket to SCOTUS as state law must yield to Federal protections. Yeah, I know Oregon and all. Maybe it's a good thing they are doing this now where we have a less unfavorable Federal situation.
If we get restricted to 10rd magazines, the intrusive thoughts will probably win and my new concealed carry will be a S&W 500 Magnum (performance center) with 10.5" compensated barrel...

Where 1shot carries the energy upwards of 10rds of 9mm.

44mag is my current largest wheel cartridge, 10.5" compensated barrel should make 500 S&W mag easier to handle I'm thinking since I've never shot a 500... But I'd learn to love it if the 10rd mags become law...

One good way to make the party of Donkey's rethink their position is piling up the dead carcasses of dirt bags shot with a magnum caliber revolver, rather than a .380 or 9mm pistol. Also, unless you reload the revolver, you leave No brass evidence behind. +1 for the magnum revolver solution.
Late to this party, but a law that criminalizes something you did prior to the law being enacted is Unconstitutional as an Ex Post Facto law. The retroactive ban would seem to be a ticket to SCOTUS as state law must yield to Federal protections.
You are absolutely correct. If this law passes, a court will resend it in short order.
Late to this party, but a law that criminalizes something you did prior to the law being enacted is Unconstitutional as an Ex Post Facto law. The retroactive ban would seem to be a ticket to SCOTUS as state law must yield to Federal protections. Yeah, I know Oregon and all. Maybe it's a good thing they are doing this now where we have a less unfavorable Federal situation.
Tell that to Karin Immergut and 9th Circuit Court of Appeals :rolleyes:
You are absolutely correct. If this law passes, a court will resend it in short order.
Not holding any breath here if the Immergut ruling for M114 is of any indication :rolleyes:

And with the notable refusal of SCOTUS to grant Cert to either the Snope v Brown or Ocean State Tactical v Rhode Island cases for this term..... Don't expect anything to change until next SCOTUS term, if at all.
Tell that to Karin Immergut and 9th Circuit Court of Appeals :rolleyes:

Not holding any breath here if the Immergut ruling for M114 is of any indication :rolleyes:

And with the notable refusal of SCOTUS to grant Cert to either the Snope v Brown or Ocean State Tactical v Rhode Island cases for this term..... Don't expect anything to change until next SCOTUS term, if at all.
Agree, immergut went out of her way to disregard many parts of the law that has already been clarified by scotus. For example no interest balancing is allowed and that's exactly what she did. Right to keep and bear for all purposes is the law, but she limited to "use for self defense" only. And three other obvious violations of scotus precedent. She basically said I don't care, I know what is best for the citizens. Her 142? 146? page ruling which was written ahead of time using all the anti gun language. Hearing ended on Thirsdsy afternoon and was written before the next Tuesday morning. Gee, she gave that one a lot of objective thought (sarcasm). She is in lock step with the CA ninth which is also "do whatever it takes" to kill gun ownership by civilians.

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