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I am an avid outdoor shooter, hardly spend 1% of my time at an indoor shooting range

I recently visited Brown's Camp quarry and I live by the motto leave it cleaner than you found it. That being said I have approximately 5lbs of brass I need to recycle/dispose.

Are there any places that offer cash for recycled brass? Far west recycling in NE PDX offers $0.09 per pound for scrap metal that's half of what I would get when I lived in Nevada or Missouri during my military contract days. With my 5lb bucket that's 45 cents for a clean up effort that took about an hour.

Wondering if any place offers same services just for brass and if so where.

I was taught to police my brass, trying to pass that on to the next generation of shooters

IF YOU CHOOSE TO GRIPE AT THIS QUESTION, Take your fingers off your keyboard and head over to Brown's Camp and help with the clean up effort instead keyboard warrior!

I am surprised no places up here collaborate with the community to incentivize recycling factory brass responsibly like other states do

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If you are recycling mixed brass shells, try out 118 year old Calbag Metals in either Tacoma Washington or Portland Oregon, pricing is competitive and market based receive cash once an account is set up or a check processed if not. Today small lot pricing across our dock would be $2.50/lb today. In full transparency, I am COO of the Company. Eric runs our dock in Portland, Chris in Tacoma. We also have competitive pricing on other grades of nonferrous and ferrous scrap.
If you are recycling mixed brass shells, try out 118 year old Calbag Metals in either Tacoma Washington or Portland Oregon, pricing is competitive and market based receive cash once an account is set up or a check processed if not. Today small lot pricing across our dock would be $2.50/lb today. In full transparency, I am COO of the Company. Eric runs our dock in Portland, Chris in Tacoma. We also have competitive pricing on other grades of nonferrous and ferrous scrap.
Thanks for joining in the conversation!! Since you are someone with firsthand knowledge of the industry, could you please define "clean" brass?? For instance, nickel-plated spent primers and brass, OK or no??
Brass plumbing fittings??
Can copper be mixed in with the brass?? Battery cable, insulation removed( NOT burned!!)?? Plumbing scrap??
Bullet jackets, lead melted out but undoubtedly some residue remaining??
Same rules for other companies??
Guidelines or rules would be appreciated!!
My comment was mixed brass shells, which are all gauges inclusive of nickel plated. Primers (nickel plated or otherwise) are also purchased at a discount to brass pricing which is about 22c discount today, Straight 22s would be a discount to mixed brass shells of 12c…yes we buy brass plumbing fittings of different grades, yes keys also. Would recommend you sort out copper in brass as it is likely worth more. Battery cables and plumbing scrap also are purchased. Range let and bullets all are purchased, depending on residue determines pricing. Since this seems to be getting off the purpose of this website ..For rules/guidelines, suggest coming by 2485 for a tour of facilities and processes. Best to preschedule. 1 503 226 3441..
Just got $2.00 per pound, for clean .223 brass with spent primers. Had a five-gallon bucket, so walked away with nearly one hundred dollars. Went to a local scrap yard, here in Arizona. Got a discount price for a bag of mixed brass, called it "dirty". Not because of dirt, but mixture. Spot market shows price $1.83-$2.00 per pound. Was hard to sell to a scrap yard but most everyone I asked if they needed free mixed headstamp said nope.
I recycle brass that can't/wont be reloaded, for example a lot of surplus ammo is Berdan-primed and not economical to reload, also brass that gets chewed up by roller-locked rifles, also I'll pick up brass inconsiderate people leave behind. Once the Home Depo bucket gets full, it goes for about $120 or so at Far West Recycling. Not big money but it's something.
If your picking up cases with a magnet the cases are not brass, they are steel cases.
Here in yhe Arlington Wa. Area brass rifle and pisto cases are a little over a $1 a pound the last time i took some in.
I pick up a lot of both steel and brass rifle and pistol cases.
All of the steel cases goes in to our recycle trash can.
All of the brass cases get seperated in to two differenr buckets.
One bucket is all of the trash brass cases.
The other bucket is brass that i can reload or sell to other reloaders.

I never scrap useable brass rifle or pistol cases.
Just got $2.00 per pound, for clean .223 brass with spent primers. Had a five-gallon bucket, so walked away with nearly one hundred dollars. Went to a local scrap yard, here in Arizona. Got a discount price for a bag of mixed brass, called it "dirty". Not because of dirt, but mixture. Spot market shows price $1.83-$2.00 per pound. Was hard to sell to a scrap yard but most everyone I asked if they needed free mixed headstamp said nope.
Pricing sounds somewhat low…try Alex at OERC in the Phoenix area..
If your picking up cases with a magnet the cases are not brass, they are steel cases.
Here in yhe Arlington Wa. Area brass rifle and pisto cases are a little over a $1 a pound the last time i took some in.
I pick up a lot of both steel and brass rifle and pistol cases.
All of the steel cases goes in to our recycle trash can.
All of the brass cases get seperated in to two differenr buckets.
One bucket is all of the trash brass cases.
The other bucket is brass that i can reload or sell to other reloaders.

I never scrap useable brass rifle or pistol cases.
Right, solid approach,.noting steel cases can be recycled as ferrous scrap although of course low value to drag to the recycling center…
I recycle brass that can't/wont be reloaded, for example a lot of surplus ammo is Berdan-primed and not economical to reload, also brass that gets chewed up by roller-locked rifles, also I'll pick up brass inconsiderate people leave behind. Once the Home Depo bucket gets full, it goes for about $120 or so at Far West Recycling. Not big money but it's something.
Far West are good people, hi to Jeff !
I've got a couple buckets of copper bullet jackets from when I reclaimed a bunch of range scrap lead a few years back. An acquaintance told me that scrap yards wouldn't want them due to lead residue, so I didn't bother taking them in.

I also have a couple buckets of 9mm brass that my son and I picked up over a number of range visits. Demand is really low, so I'll probably haul it in to the scrap yard someday. It's too bad because I'm fairly particular with how I sort it. I rinse in dish soap and lemishine, dry well, and sort out anything dinged, damaged, or tarnished. It seems a shame to scrap such nice clean brass, but I'm never going to load it all.
We buy both range lead and copper bullet jackets..would suggest bringing it in for specific for 9mm brass, for recycling, demand is high, that is in the mixed brass category which is 3.50/lb today.also don't need to clean the brass.
In Seattle, last time I took some in a month or so ago, scrap cartridge brass was $2.25 lb. If you go to one of the recycling centers in the suburbs, they pay a lot less. Then turn around and haul it in to Seattle. So basically the difference in payout is transportation. I wait until I have an appointment with the VA to haul into Seattle.
The worst messes you find are where shotgun shooters have been. Shotgun shells are easier to locate and pick up than handgun brass so I don't understand why they don't pick them up .

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