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With hk roller delayed system you can change rate of fire by adding a suppressor (similar to many guns actually where bolt speed goes up by up to 30% including semi autos). Assuming you aren't using flow through which typically speeds up by around only 4%.

Go to 1:00 mark and compare rate of fire un suppressed vs suppressed.


Also changing the locking piece changes the bolt speed (as well as the felt recoil and how far empty cases eject) which changes the rate of fire. Locking pieces for g3 cost $6-$50 depending on what angle you want. For my semi auto g3s (ptr clones) I use a lower angle locking piece than shipped with the gun. This dramatically reduces recoil so that a 12.5" .308 gun has about the same recoil or less than a .300 blackout AR.

This video has some tips for changing the rate of fire for roller delayed guns when using binary triggers.
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I like the rate reducer on the VZ61, a little claw that momentarily holds the bolt open until the counter weight in the grip bounces back
Got dam, sounds like me after some late night muchas
Prob would make good survival gun. 25 rounds takes 0.7 seconds which might improve effectiveness against larger animals. Also from the video looks to be "continuous recoil" due to rate of fire. But hard to say. 2200 rpm is same rate of fire as some mini gun or a10 warthog (old one used to be 2200/4400 variable).
Not sure about the posted video but changing the stiffness in buffer disc in a browning can change the rate of fire. I also think the stiffness of a buffer in an AR changes the rate. Haven't ever done it just over heard discussion at Knob Creek.

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