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Wife has for a while been talking about buying a Tarantula to keep. I told her fine with me. She did all kind of research then bought and set up some enclosure's. Came home with these two. Pretty easy as pets go. Put some water in there now and then, feed them once a week for so. Easier than fish :s0140:

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The enclosure's she bought have a magnetic latch since I guess they can learn to open the damn lid otherwise. That would be spooky as all hell. Get up in the morning and see them not there and then start wondering where in the hell they were in the house. Especially since both of them will soon grow to almost the size of a human hand. :eek: :s0140:
Wife has for a while been talking about buying a Tarantula to keep. I told her fine with me. She did all kind of research then bought and set up some enclosure's. Came home with these two. Pretty easy as pets go. Put some water in there now and then, feed them once a week for so. Easier than fish :s0140:

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Now, get a small extra enclosure and put one of them in it, see how long it takes her to realize one is missing!!!
Should I post the photos of what happened when I was bit by a Hobo spider in the back yard a couple years ago?
It got me on the calf and the results were very unpleasant.
Over the next four months I had a....well a hole in my leg that eventually closed up.
Yes, Please! But put it in the Dark Humor thread, so we can all laugh at it!

In all seriousness, glad that you recovered. Those little blighters are hella shiit when it comes to necrotizing your epidermis...
Should I post the photos of what happened when I was bit by a Hobo spider in the back yard a couple years ago?
It got me on the calf and the results were very unpleasant.
Over the next four months I had a....well a hole in my leg that eventually closed up.
We have had those things here all my life and I did not know until a few years ago that they are part of the Brown Recluse family. Some gal got a bite on her foot, thought nothing of it. It formed a wound that would not heal. When she finally went to the Doc they had to chop out a piece of the flesh there and it took a long time to heal. The article said it was rare for them to cause this but they had the potential. Made me cringe from then on when I would find one of those damn things in the house.
Wife has for a while been talking about buying a Tarantula to keep. I told her fine with me. She did all kind of research then bought and set up some enclosure's. Came home with these two. Pretty easy as pets go. Put some water in there now and then, feed them once a week for so. Easier than fish :s0140:

View attachment 2024486 View attachment 2024487
The best thing about that you get 8 drumsticks...... :D
We have had those things here all my life and I did not know until a few years ago that they are part of the Brown Recluse family. Some gal got a bite on her foot, thought nothing of it. It formed a wound that would not heal. When she finally went to the Doc they had to chop out a piece of the flesh there and it took a long time to heal. The article said it was rare for them to cause this but they had the potential. Made me cringe from then on when I would find one of those damn things in the house.
Mine got deep enough you could sink two quarters in it and the top one would be flush with the rest of my skin.

I had some of that fun flesh removal as well on the second trip to the Emergy-care place.
First trip just got me some antibiotics and a circle around it.
Those were not enough, hence the second trip.
So weird to see these different animals in the middle of Tigard.
Could be the Tualatin Wildlife Refuge acts as a magnet. Definitely worth checking out if you haven't visited already; just south on the 99.

Leave the pooch at home tho. No dogs allowed.
Hobo spiders (Eratigena agrestis) and Brown Recluse spiders (Loxosceles reclusa) are not related. They are two different species, and there are no Brown Recluse spiders in Washington or Oregon.

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