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Wondering if there are any good/decent quality compact/short 3 or 4X scopes of similar size/footprint to the old school Colt/Brownell's 4x21 and ACOG thats not as expensive as an ACOG?
Not looking for variable optics or for long tube optics

Also don't want to be limited to just these two types (old school Colt carry handle or newer ACOG)
Primary arms is supposed to have a decent offering.
I use the Primary Arms 3x micro prism and really like them. The Raptor reticle is excellent. I also have the 5x version that uses the same reticle as the mini ACOG. Primary Arms develops the reticles used in the ACOG's and licenses them to Trijicon.

The 3x is perfect for me as it's enough magnification to shoot as far as I want with an AR, but small enough I can still shoot with both eyes open.

They are compact and rugged. The scope comes with several risers so you can position as desired. PA frequent;y as 12% off sales as well.
Eotech's new Vudu 3-9 looks pretty interesting.
6.8" long and 16oz.

$1,060, not terribly expensive, $1,400 with the red dot.
Bloody, that's way more than what I can justify :s0140: I mean, I don't want to spend ACOG prices ... Though what you listed is still under Trijicon's pricing..... :s0064: I may as well as splurge on Brownell's Retro series ($400), or save a few hundred dollars and get a real vintage Colt 4x carry handle scope? 😉
Not really, I don't drop a grand on demand.
Takes a few months working OT, if the OT gods allow it anyway.

At the moment I need a set of tires and probably brakes so it'll be a while before I get around to something like that.
This 4x prism is very clear and the circle dot reticle is awesome. It looks like swampfox sells the same optic but relabeled. Primary arms 3x is smaller and lighter but costs $271 on sale. There is just no way in hell I'm spending $1000-$1400 on a scope when this does everything I need, is clear and bright, and excellent reticle. $1400 would almost buy me a Swiss made p210, or 3 nice pistols, or lynx12 + competition pistol + 300blk pistol. No way in hell.

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Also leapers 3-9x bug buster is a great scope. Very clear and bright. Relatively small and light compared to others. About $140ish now. I bought this one 16 years ago and it has seen use roughly once per week for all that time. Often for hunting in low light. In and out of car banged around etc and it's bulletproof. Adjustable objective. Again no way in hell I would pay $1400 when this has been a fantastic scope for me in constant use for 16 years. I can only recommend this exact model, 3-9x bug buster, not any other power or scope of the same brand cuz I haven't used them.

6" .357 and full size 9mm for scale.
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This looks to maybe be a smaller version of the Monstrum 4x. Or maybe it just looks smaller on their photo. Don't know anything about it other than it also looks to be $109.

This looks to maybe be a smaller version of the Monstrum 4x. Or maybe it just looks smaller on their photo. Don't know anything about it other than it also looks to be $109.

From looking at them I think the Ruckus (e) has a removable mount spacer so you can run it low on a non-AR platform and the other version does not
From looking at them I think the Ruckus (e) has a removable mount spacer so you can run it low on a non-AR platform and the other version does not
Looks like battery is moved down to the bottom also which cleans up sight picture. Not absolutely critical but anything that occludes your view is a negative.

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