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What's an "orc"?
They're the soldiers of the evil army in the Lord of the Ring series by Tolkien. The name seems fitting. Dull, brutish creatures with a thirst for destruction and led by an evil master.
I read that the NK soldiers would rather commit suicide than be caught by Ukraine. They fear the repercussions of punishment of their country.

Sucks to be them, if they try to escape, Ukraine captures them for trade, and trying to escape is a death sentence.

The smart thing for Ukraine to do is to openly send captured NK soldiers to SK. That would really mess with them, the chance for freedom.
Just do it on the down low, I've heard NK will punish the families of deserters.

Oh, BTW, are NK soldiers also considered "orcs", or should a new derogatory term be coined for those "lesser" men who definitely chose their fate of free will?

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