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I sure as bubblegum don't support or admire the Russian culture, but the reality is it doesn't matter one wit how many people over here, (or on this forum,) think the Russians are a bunch of ignorant orcs.
The Russians won't stop, it doesn't matter how many tanks, planes, ships, ammo depots, fuel depots, or men they lose, they have more, more of everything.
And they just keep coming, and Ukraine is on its last ropes.
All the money and material the west sends over there isn't stopping the Russians, it just gets more Ukrainian people killed.
The US and Nato will keep going until there aren't any more Ukrainians left to pick up a rifle.
This war could have had a negotiated peace two years ago if it wasn't for a bunch of morons running things.
To paraphrase a saying from Vietnam, "We had to destroy Ukraine in order to save it".
Our companies are making money selling weapons in this war. Our companies will be making money rebuilding Ukraine when it's over. It's not a wasted effort.

Last Edited:
Two years ago, Russia didn't have much land.
700,000 children? now that sounds like some real western propaganda.
If that was really true, the west would not have pulled any punches.
What is true is that over 5 million people have left Ukraine, and guess what, lots of them were moms taking the kids to a neighboring country.
I trust the western news, (if you could call it that,) about as much as I trust the Chinese to not spy on everything they can.
All this "I'll fight to the death" might be true, and your dead in two minutes.
The truth is Ukraine is running out of people that want to die.
Zelensky knows the games up, so does anyone with a brain.
The only ones that haven't gotten the memo are the American people, our media would never tell us the truth, they just keep feeding lies to gullible people.
700,000 children? The Russians admit they took that many children
what hole have you been hiding in?!?!?!??!?!?!?

and I'll be dead in 2 Minutes? maybe where you live in your culture in Scappoose

I have defenses across the woods on my 5 acres and the surrounding 50 acre
so someone like you is going to invade my property and I'll be dead in 2 Min?

come and try!!!!!

or are you just a troll trying to spin me up??

my son tells me I should not allow pathetic insecure people who send such messages to rile me up, but i truly wish someone who challenges me with such messages would come out here and try
by God, I've been waiting 40 years for someone to try
Anybody with even half a brain knows that you can't take 700,000 children out of a country with as small of a population as Ukraine without the whole world blowing a gasket, the demographics can't support it.
That's all a dog and pony show for the masses.
When people stop believing everything ABC/NBC/MSN/MSNBC/CNN/Reuters/Fox/CBS/UPI, feed them then at least they'll be on the road to recovery.
The Libs listen to Shiff, the conservatives listen to Lindsey and their both being lied to.
and I'll be dead in 2 Minutes? maybe where you live in your culture in Scappoose

I have defenses across the woods on my 5 acres and the surrounding 50 acre
so someone like you is going to invade my property and I'll be dead in 2 Min?

come and try!!!!!

or are you just a troll trying to spin me up??

my son tells me I should not allow pathetic insecure people who send such messages to rile me up, but i truly wish someone who challenges me with such messages would come out here and try
by God, I've been waiting 40 years for someone to try
Give it a break John Wayne, you got your bunker all stocked up too, maybe got some Claymores like Rambo?
That's the kind of mindset that the ant-gunners just love to use against us.
Anybody with even half a brain knows that you can't take 700,000 children out of a country with as small of a population as Ukraine without the whole world blowing a gasket, the demographics can't support it.
That's all a dog and pony show for the masses.
When people stop believing everything ABC/NBC/MSN/MSNBC/CNN/Reuters/Fox/CBS/UPI, feed them then at least they'll be on the road to recovery.
The Libs listen to Shiff, the conservatives listen to Lindsey and their both being lied to.
OK, so what media outlet do you want me to send information from?
REI Novosti or TASS?
Give it a break John Wayne, you got your bunker all stocked up too, maybe got some Claymores like Rambo?
That's the kind of mindset that the ant-gunners just love to use against us.
no claymores, but as a farmer, I have 50 lbs bags of Ammonium Nitrate for my corn field and 6 gal cans of diesel fuel for my tractor
does that count?
I wouldn't be bothered if Putin lobbed a couple of tactical nukes into Ukrainian cities, like we did in Japan. It would either lead to a quicker victory for Russia or rally the world to aid in Russia's defeat.

It would also pave the way for other countries to use tactical nukes in future conflicts. It could cause wars to be shorter in length and cause less overall deaths.

Personally I don't think Putin has the balls to do it.
As for all the Russians and Ukrainians that have been deleted over there, the US can replace them. We have tens of millions that we need to rehome. I am sure a few million wouldn't mind taking up residence over there.
Reading these Ukraine threads on this forum is very interesting to me.

Seeing as how most of us harbor great suspicion and mistrust of our own government and MSM, it surprises me to see factions on here break off and really commit to one side or the other. Having spent over 15 years of my life working, and occasionally living, in other countries, I really never believe the narrative we are fed.

I don't pick sides on issues that I haven't had my own boots on the ground.

All I know is that there are plenty of Ukrainians and Russians in my area, and they seem like the exact same people. Most have been rude jerks, and they make terrible neighbors.

What I do know is that Assad is on borrowed time. I can't imagine he's very useful to Putin, and his loyalty to Putin probably isn't enough to save him from a "fall" from a window.
Reading these Ukraine threads on this forum is very interesting to me.

Seeing as how most of us harbor great suspicion and mistrust of our own government and MSM, it surprises me to see factions on here break off and really commit to one side or the other. Having spent over 15 years of my life working, and occasionally living, in other countries, I really never believe the narrative we are fed.

I don't pick sides on issues that I haven't had my own boots on the ground.

All I know is that there are plenty of Ukrainians and Russians in my area, and they seem like the exact same people. Most have been rude jerks, and they make terrible neighbors.

What I do know is that Assad is on borrowed time. I can't imagine he's very useful to Putin, and his loyalty to Putin probably isn't enough to save him from a "fall" from a window.
Assad's clock is ticking, fall season is almost over! Hope he packed warm clothes.
I don't pick sides on issues that I haven't had my own boots on the ground
I think that's wise. I've come to realize the same thing. I've been reading about Putin for long enough to form an opinion about the type of person he is, and I grew up during the Cold War so I have an ideological opinion about Soviet-style systems and such, but honestly I don't really know how things are over there.

People take sides; it's what we do. Who's your sports team, and why? Only part of what we "know" comes from personal experience; most comes from the sources we've chosen to trust. My thoughts on Russia/Ukraine are mostly ideological. Beyond that I really don't have a clue. Someone who has lived over there has had different experiences and trusts different sources, and would likely have a very different opinion. To each their own.

As to the use of any kind of nuke, I strongly disagree with post 1111. I think nukes, even small tactical nukes, are one helluva awful Pandora's box that anyone would have to be insane to want to open.
Putin fires govenor of Kursk

bee watching for an accidental fall from a 4 story building
Two years ago, Russia didn't have much land.
700,000 children? now that sounds like some real western propaganda.
If that was really true, the west would not have pulled any punches.
What is true is that over 5 million people have left Ukraine, and guess what, lots of them were moms taking the kids to a neighboring country.
I trust the western news, (if you could call it that,) about as much as I trust the Chinese to not spy on everything they can.
All this "I'll fight to the death" might be true, and your dead in two minutes.
The truth is Ukraine is running out of people that want to die.
Zelensky knows the games up, so does anyone with a brain.
The only ones that haven't gotten the memo are the American people, our media would never tell us the truth, they just keep feeding lies to gullible people.
Edit: According to a Breitbart article a "Ukrainian" source says they have evidence of ~20,000 children taken.
If 700,000 were taken I wonder where the other 680,000 are?
yes, Ukraine has record of 20,000 from territories now controlled by Ukraine
they has no census from the lands under Russian control, like Crimea

is the Moscow Times an acceptable news site or do you put them down there with MSNBC
according to this article the Russian birth rate is down 25% since Putin came to power
so Putin is paying young women to have babies and has made "child free" families illegal
such a ruling would not go over with American Liberals, since there has been an increase in vasectomies by liberals of over 1200% since Trump was elected
my daughter's boyfreind is one of them


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