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Theyve been building up gold reserves since the start of the war . A lot of that oil especially the Indians have been buying has been paid for in gold.
Jokes on them, once Trump is in office the aliens will make themselves known and along with a cure for cancer and the perfect no-cal cheesecake recipe they have a super cool transmutation machine so gold will become as common as dirt
Good point let's get gold down to $10 an ounce. :)
Part of the reason Gold is where it is at $2500+ an ounce is because of the war and the Indians and Chinese paying the Russians in gold. Once the war is over and the Russians are selling oil ( and gold ) back in normal trade circles yeah, the price will likely drop like a stone to normal pricing.
Part of the reason Gold is where it is at $2500+ an ounce is because of the war and the Indians and Chinese paying the Russians in gold. Once the war is over and the Russians are selling oil ( and gold ) back in normal trade circles yeah, the price will likely drop like a stone to normal pricing.
Bitcoin will be the new gold. I wonder how much bitcoin Russia holds.
"The Russian military command's calculus remains brutally simple – whether soldiers arrive by motorcycle or on foot, these missions are often just as deadly as the earlier "meat grinder" assaults. From their perspective, success is measured purely by forward progress. If even a single group out of ten reaches Ukrainian positions, Russian generals consider it a victory worth reporting.
Therefore, the Russians prioritize delivering infantry to target locations, regardless of casualties.

The human cost of this strategy has been staggering. According to Ukraine's General Staff, November 2024 set a new record for Russian casualties, with over 45,000 personnel wounded or killed in action. October and September also set similar records, as Russian losses have gradually increased proportionally to the intensity of their attacks. The peak came on 28 November, when Russian forces suffered 2,030 casualties in a single day."

Putin doesn't care about the human losses, as long as he takes the Kursk back by Jan 20
The evolution of cheap drone warfare in Ukraine War is blazing. I hope the US is greatly upping their prepardness for this type of warfare.

I am thinking about buying one share of this US drone manufacturer but might wait until after January to see if price dips.

AeroVironment ticker AVAV
If I were Assad I'd make sure it was on ground level.
I was originally kidding, but as of today, Assad is in Moscow and Putin has granted him Asylum, giving him and his family a place to live
the important consequences of this is that Russia just lost their only Air Base and Navel Base in the Mediterranean area
"The rate at which Russia is capturing Ukrainian territory seems to be increasing overall with more than 1,000 square kilometers having been taken by Moscow between September 1 and November 3 of this year."
and how many Russian soldiers are dying per kilometer of territory taken?
I know, Putin doesn't care
but some support and even admire a culture that has no care for the lives of their citizens
as long as they don't actually live in that culture
and how many Russian soldiers are dying per kilometer of territory taken?
I know, Putin doesn't care
but some support and even admire a culture that has no care for the lives of their citizens
as long as they don't actually live in that culture
I sure as bubblegum don't support or admire the Russian culture, but the reality is it doesn't matter one wit how many people over here, (or on this forum,) think the Russians are a bunch of ignorant orcs.
The Russians won't stop, it doesn't matter how many tanks, planes, ships, ammo depots, fuel depots, or men they lose, they have more, more of everything.
And they just keep coming, and Ukraine is on its last ropes.
All the money and material the west sends over there isn't stopping the Russians, it just gets more Ukrainian people killed.
The US and Nato will keep going until there aren't any more Ukrainians left to pick up a rifle.
This war could have had a negotiated peace two years ago if it wasn't for a bunch of morons running things.
To paraphrase a saying from Vietnam, "We had to destroy Ukraine in order to save it".
I sure as bubblegum don't support or admire the Russian culture, but the reality is it doesn't matter one wit how many people over here, (or on this forum,) think the Russians are a bunch of ignorant orcs.
The Russians won't stop, it doesn't matter how many tanks, planes, ships, ammo depots, fuel depots, or men they lose, they have more, more of everything.
And they just keep coming, and Ukraine is on its last ropes.
All the money and material the west sends over there isn't stopping the Russians, it just gets more Ukrainian people killed.
The US and Nato will keep going until there aren't any more Ukrainians left to pick up a rifle.
This war could have had a negotiated peace two years ago if it wasn't for a bunch of morons running things.
To paraphrase a saying from Vietnam, "We had to destroy Ukraine in order to save it".
the War could have been negotiated 2 years ago, IF the Ukrainians had agreed to be subjugated by the Russians, their women and children stolen and shipped to Russia, their crops and natural resources stolen by Russian, their young men integrated into the Russian Army
is that what your suggesting?
700,000 Ukrainian children have been "evacuated" from their parents in Ukraine and integrated into Russian families, and your OK with that?
the War could have been negotiated 2 years ago, IF the Ukrainians had agreed to be subjugated by the Russians, their women and children stolen and shipped to Russia, their crops and natural resources stolen by Russian, their young men integrated into the Russian Army
is that what your suggesting?
700,000 Ukrainian children have been "evacuated" from their parents in Ukraine and integrated into Russian families, and your OK with that?
I don't know about you, but i would fight to the death on my front porch before i would let anyone take my children or land!!!!!!!!!!!!
Two years ago, Russia didn't have much land.
700,000 children? now that sounds like some real western propaganda.
If that was really true, the west would not have pulled any punches.
What is true is that over 5 million people have left Ukraine, and guess what, lots of them were moms taking the kids to a neighboring country.
I trust the western news, (if you could call it that,) about as much as I trust the Chinese to not spy on everything they can.
All this "I'll fight to the death" might be true, and your dead in two minutes.
The truth is Ukraine is running out of people that want to die.
Zelensky knows the games up, so does anyone with a brain.
The only ones that haven't gotten the memo are the American people, our media would never tell us the truth, they just keep feeding lies to gullible people.
Edit: According to a Breitbart article a "Ukrainian" source says they have evidence of ~20,000 children taken.
If 700,000 were taken I wonder where the other 680,000 are?
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