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I have several PSA pieces from stripped lowers to complete rifles, and have found them to have good products. My Gen 2 PA10 from 2017 or 2018 broke a firing pen retainer clip. I tried to find one locally and online but had no luck.

Probably mid year I contacted them and we couldn't see the purchase date in their or my records. When I pushed, it's supposed to have a lifetime warranty. I don't want a rifle, I just want a pin. This went back and forth with different customer service operators until the end of year holidays.

When I finally escalated it, a guy asked for photos of the BCG around Christmas and issued a warranty #. After the holidays, I emailed back, what's going on and they asked for a photo of the upper. I think a pick of my finger may have slipped in there. Finally they said, they no longer use that clip and are mailing a regular clip for the BCG.

It would have been nice if in any of the previous conversation they just said, a regular pin will be fine. Outside of that one issue, there's been no problem with any of their products. The CS people are polite but not results driven. I had asked around various gun shops, a no one would confirm the regular cotter pin should work.
I think palmetto won't ship mags to Oregon now? If that's the case I won't be buying a damn thing from palmetto anymore. Glad I got the guns I wanted early before they turned into scared pricks.
I think it's only third party vendors. However if it's a PSA product they'll still send it.
Ah good to know thx. They have a Stribog 10mm on sale today with brace but sb tactical made the brace fold the wrong way. It covers the ejection port so you can't fire it folded. Unbelievable that sb tactical could make a mistake like that. So it's actually more expensive to buy it this way than with no brace cuz you have to buy a 1913 end piece that woudl normally come with the pistol if it had no brace. Somebody was asleep at the wheel at sbtactical.
Ah good to know thx. They have a Stribog 10mm on sale today with brace but sb tactical made the brace fold the wrong way. It covers the ejection port so you can't fire it folded. Unbelievable that sb tactical could make a mistake like that. So it's actually more expensive to buy it this way than with no brace cuz you have to buy a 1913 end piece that woudl normally come with the pistol if it had no brace. Somebody was asleep at the wheel at sbtactical.
Man that is a bummer! You are right, probably a Friday afternoon before the weekend type of deal. Seems like a pretty big mistake to make on accident.
It's funny that firearms businesses are aware of each states BS laws but I rarely see them speak out publicly. I would think it bites into their margins. Maybe panic buying is already counted in their profits.

Although I had one bad experience, it wouldn't stop me from buying PSA based on my previous experience, BUT. I do put them in the, we already got your money category. Their CS was not impressive.
Those clips were short lived., allot of them broke.,
PSA is always a pain to get small parts replaced.,unless you send in the whole rifle.
And why do any of that when the special cotter key is readily available online for under $10.

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