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it would be nice if law makers took note of the last bit of the 2nd Amendment.
"...the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed ."

Infringe :
Actively break the terms of ( a law , agreement ,etc. )
Act so as to limit or undermine ( something) ;encroach on.

That last definition ....seems to me at least , that firearm laws act so as to limit something.

The wording of 2nd Amendment is extremely important.
Notice that the part I quoted does not say :
"...the right of people to keep and bear Arms , but only certain Arms and only for specific purposes , shall not be infringed."
Until we can agree as a country on the definition of "well regulated militia" the "shall not be infringed" part won't have the teeth we gun owners would like.
Until we can agree as a country on the definition of "well regulated militia" the "shall not be infringed" part won't have the teeth we gun owners would like.
However....there is that pesky comma which means a pause or separation...often between related topics within a sentence.

regulated ...does mean maintained / keep in order / to a standard....

In any event....the last part of the 2nd Amendment.....with the "shall not be infringed" speaks for itself...even if some choose not to listen.
( not you @TTSX )

Until we can agree as a country on the definition of "well regulated militia" the "shall not be infringed" part won't have the teeth we gun owners would like.
An Analogue

"A well-educated electorate being necessary to the preservation of a free society, the right of the people to read and compose books shall not be infringed."
Obviously this does not mean that only well-educated voters have the right to read or write books. Nor does it mean that the right to read books of one's choosing can be restricted to only those subjects which lead to a well-educated electorate.
I agree that the first part of the 2nd Amendment with the infamous "well regulated " and "militia" is important and meaningful

The last part which I quoted in post #4 carries more weight , so to speak , for me at least.
Since it states that right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not infringed.
That last part , places no limits on what Arms someone can keep or bear....or who can keep and bear Arms.

At least it doesn't say that we can keep and arm bears...imagine how troublesome that would be... :D
Until we can agree as a country on the definition of "well regulated militia" the "shall not be infringed" part won't have the teeth we gun owners would like.
Oh we agree but its the half that wants to change definitions to suit their agenda that "doesnt agree". They know what it means.
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I'm not sure just who the "they" are....

I know some anti-gun people who think and act out of a misplaced / misguided idea of safety.
( At least according to how I think )

I have no doubt that other anti gun people do things for in control of others.

The first , while again is misguided , could be seen as laudable.
The second is despicable.
Do they, though? And is what they know it to mean the same as us?
Yes. The 2A is one of the shortest, simplest written laws in the world. It means what it says and is simple to understand there is no misinterpreting it and any attempts to tell you it means something different is gaslighting, which is intentional. The intent of it is well documented in the Federalist papers and not even the liberals can re-write or censor that.
They know what it means or they wouldn't be trying to repeal or amend it:

What must be stressed is that the Bill of Rights sets ZERO mandates or conditions upon the people to be able to exercise their rights. It ONLY sets limits on the power of government to restrict those rights. It is not referred to as: The Bill of Special Permissions and Allowances as long as Certain Requirements are Satisfied'. This is what delineates the fundamental difference between a 'right' and a 'privilege'. The Bill of Rights does not grant rights. It simply acknowledges that these rights are inalienable.

The first clause of the 2nd Amendment is the prefatory clause. It is merely a declaration recognizing the importance of a well-trained and well-armed militia(comprised of the people) in order to preserve the security of a free state.
The second clause is the operative clause -- "The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed".

Perhaps Madison (forecasting a future plagued by gun-grabbers absolutely ignorant to the intention of the Bill of Rights) might've inserted the conjunctive 'therefore' in between the 1st and 2nd clauses as to not allow for there to be any room for misinterpretation.

2a meme.jpg

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